Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Information updated as of July 6, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
District of Oak Bay deactivates Emergency Operations Centre
The District of Oak Bay has deactivated the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in response to the lifting of the Provincial State of Emergency. The EOC was originally activated on March 13, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The District’s EOC was in operation for 474 days and has been the longest EOC activation undertaken by the District of Oak Bay. The EOC was responsible for local emergency preparedness, response coordination, and ensuring the continuity of District services at the operational level. Activating the EOC allowed the District to centralize planning and communication on the ground, while Council continued its governance decision making.
The District continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and follow the direction of the Province and Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and will communicate COVID-19 updates and information as necessary.
Information updated as of March 29, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Adult Group Fitness Suspensions
Given the changes to the Public Health Orders of March 29, 2021, the following programs will be suspended starting March 30, 2021 through to April 19, 2021:
- All group fitness activities including yoga, pilates, low intensity fitness classes, jazzercise, fitness fusion, etc.
- All Aquafit classes
Furthermore, the following services will be closed starting March 30, 2021 through to April 19, 2021:
- The SportsView Lounge at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre
- Indoor dining at the Fern Café at Monterey Recreation Centre
However, please note that the Fern Café at Monterey Recreation Centre will still be offering frozen food entrees and for purchase and pick up.
All individual, pre-registered workouts in the weight room, skates and swims are able to continuing as they have been, no changes to these activities at this time.
The District continues to update our Service Level Overview, which provides a summary of the service levels that the District continues to provide during this time of pandemic.
If you have any questions about services or levels of service, please contact the appropriate department or facilities. Customer service contact information is available here:
Information updated as of February 8, 2021 at 3:39 p.m.
Oak Bay Recreation is experiencing exceptional interest in pre-registered activity sessions in the pool, arena, and weight rooms. In accordance with the Public Health Orders and restrictions on facility capacity, the registration spots are limited and have resulted in some patrons being unable to access their desired activities. Oak Bay prides itself on providing high-quality services and programs even during this time of pandemic and we apologize for this inconvenience.
During the ongoing pandemic, Oak Bay Recreation continues to explore options to enhance processes to provide greater opportunities for program registration.
Patrons are able to register for activities in the following ways:
- online at:
- by telephone:
- Oak Bay Recreation: 250-595-7946
- Henderson Recreation Centre: 250-370-7200
- Monterey Recreation Centre: 250-370-7300
- and, in person.
When trying to register for activities, here are some helpful tips
- If you receive a busy tone or user unavailable when trying register by phone, that means the phonelines are over capacity and please hang up and try again
- If you receive an error message during online registration, it is likely due to an overload of patrons trying to register for the same spot. If this is occurring, it means that the spots are no longer available.
Oak Bay Recreation maintains regular contact with Island Health and remains committed to providing safe opportunities for individuals and families to participate in activities that are in accordance with Public Health Orders. We are continuing to look at ways that we can enhance our activity options and we appreciate your patience as we continue to navigate this pandemic.
Information updated as of December 3, 2020 at 4:15 p.m.
As a result of the update provided by the Provincial Health Officer on December 2, 2020, and in an abundance of caution, the following recreation programming changes and suspensions are effective immediately. All indoor and outdoor adult team sport activities happening at Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities are suspended until further notice. This includes basketball, martial arts, hockey, soccer, rugby and volleyball. Racquet sports (tennis, pickleball, badminton) may continue for singles play only, however, doubles play and adult group lessons are suspended until further notice. All lower intensity fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, tai chi and stretch and strength type programs are suspended until January. Aquafit is suspended until December 13, 2020. All higher intensity fitness classes such as indoor cycling have been suspended indefinitely. Participants will be contacted regarding their specific activities.
All activities for individual participation such as our work out sessions in the fitness studios or length swimming in the pool will continue at this time. Please check recreation's website and/or call the Oak Bay Recreation Centre at 250-595-7946 before heading out to your activity.
Information updated as of November 25, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Closure of Walbran Trail
Effective immediately, the Walbran Park Trail (that runs between Sunny Lane and Dennison Road) is temporarily closed until further notice as the trail does not enable for the required physical distance between patrons. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Information updated as of November 24, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Oak Bay Recreation’s Suspended Programs
Group Fitness, Dance and Martial Arts Classes
All group fitness, dance and martial arts classes are suspended until December 7, 2020.
At this time, the only exception is Aquafit, due to the environment it is held in (i.e. large space with chlorinated water).
Patrons will be contacted by phone or email and credited for missed classes over this timeframe.
Recreation Oak Bay will make announcements and contact participants regarding the resumption of classes as soon as possible.
Classes impacted include, but are not limited to:
- Yoga, Pilates
- Total Body Conditioning/training
- Spin/Indoor Cycle
- Jazzercise
- Moderate and Mild Fitness at Monterey
- All dance classes, including:
- Children’s dance
- Zumba
- Nuline
- All martial arts
- Any registered group fitness classes (8 weeks, W.O.W., Body Core Dynamics, Osteofit, Joint Wellness, Barre, etc.)
Currently, the fitness studio and weight room are still available for individual bookings. The Take Heart Program is also able to continue.
All stationary classes such as, art classes, technology classes, first aid and babysitting are also able to continue, at this time.
If you have questions on specific classes, please contact our Recreation’s Reception at 250-595-7946.
The District has updated the Service Level Overview to reflect the changes in service.
Information updated as of November 20, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Yesterday, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced the following new Orders and recommendations:
Social gatherings
- No social gatherings of any size with anyone other than your household or core bubble.
- All events and community-based gatherings as defined in the PHO order – Gatherings and Events (PDF) are suspended.
Group physical activities
- Businesses, recreation centres or other organizations that organize or operate high risk indoor group physical activities must suspend all spin classes, hot yoga and high intensity interval training (HIIT).
- Travel to, from and between regions for athletic activities like games, competitions, training and practice is prohibited.
- No spectators are allowed at any sport activities.
Mask requirements:
- Masks are now required for everyone in all public indoor settings and workplaces. People who cannot put on or remove a mask on their own are exempt.
Workplace safety
- All businesses and worksites must conduct active daily screening of all on-site workers using their COVID-19 safety plans.
- Masks are required in all workplaces for shared work areas and areas where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- At this time, all non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province.
For more information, please visit:
District of Oak Bay updates:
Recreation Programming:
As per the provincial health orders, there will be cancellations of recreation programs. If you are impacted, you will be contacted by recreation staff. Please visit for more information.
Service Level Overview:
The District has updated our Service Level Overview which provides a summary of the current service levels that the District will continue to provide during this time of pandemic. Please note that these service levels are subject to change as the situation evolves.
Municipal Hall Closure:
While access to Municipal Hall remains by appointment only, the District is still here to serve you. Please contact us by telephone at 250-598-3311 or by email at Municipal Hall office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Budget Questionnaire:
To help Oak Bay Council understand community priorities, we are asking the community to provide feedback on the preferred types and levels of service and special projects in Oak Bay. The District is also seeking feedback on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The questionnaire is available online at and paper copies are available at Henderson Recreation Centre, Monterey Recreation Centre and Oak Bay Recreation Centre.
The budget questionnaire will be open until November 30, 2020.
Results will be reported to Council early in 2021 prior to budget discussions and will be shared with the public.
Information updated as of August 4, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Oak Bay Recreation Centre Pool Re-opening on August 17, 2020
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture is pleased to announce the re-opening of their pool on August 17, 2020. Although not all aquatic activities will be offered in the same manner as they were prior to the Pandemic, the following pre-registered programs and activities will be available upon re-opening:
- Registered lane swimming,
- Single lane bookings for swimming or water running/walking
- Aquafit and Waterworks classes
- Family “Bubble,” Swim Lessons and Fun Swims
Registration begins on Wednesday August 5 at 8:30 am. Please visit our Recreation website for the schedule and more detailed information on the available options -
Service Changes due to COVID-19
Thank you for your patience as we reshape our services to provide a safe environment for your return to some of your favorite aquatic activities. Things will look and feel different. Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture have followed the recommendations and guidelines from the Province, Island Health, and other authorities to develop the following protocols:
- Access to programs and facilities must be pre-registered in order to ensure we are able to control the number of people in the pool and to identify all participants in aquatics programs. There will be no “drop-ins” available at this time.
- Patrons must register for each activity and/or each facility area individually, patrons will not be allowed to move freely between different areas of the facility without pre-registration.
- Patrons will be screened for health concerns or symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entering any facility or program. If you have any symptoms, have been exposed to someone with symptoms or have travelled in the last 14 days, please stay home.
- Physical distancing measures will be implemented which include reducing the number of people able to register for a program or be in a space at any one time.
- Patrons will be asked to arrive at the pool ready to swim and to limit the amount of accessories they bring into the pool area. Lockers will not be available for use.
- Changerooms and showers will be available however, occupancy will be limited as will the amount of time one can spend in the changeroom areas to allow for adequate cleaning and sanitization between pool programs.
- Program content has been redeveloped to minimize contact between patrons and to reduce the use of shared equipment and supplies. Programs have been offered to focus on family and/or “bubble” cohorts to maximize comfort and safety for patrons.
- Time has been allocated in the overall schedule of programs and activities to facilitate enhanced cleaning and sanitization of equipment, changerooms and high touch surfaces.
- Staff will be trained to monitor and support physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, sanitization, cleaning and all safety protocols.
- Movement in and out of facilities and spaces will be coordinated between programs and will also be delineated by signage to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.
- Hand sanitization stations will be provided in common areas.
Information updated as of July 10, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay’s Emergency Operations Centre has moved to a Level 1 activation, as such, going forward updates will be now provided as new information becomes available.
Visiting Oak Bay businesses
The District is grateful to all local businesses who have modified their operations and adapted their businesses to ensure they can continue to safely provide services, products, and experiences. When coming to eat, shop, and play in Oak Bay be sure to check our Celebrate Local page to see what businesses and services are available.
This parking map of Oak Bay Village and the surrounding area shows the time restrictions for parking spots in the community. There is plenty of free parking in the area and the map shows you where you can find parking close to your favourite restaurants and shops.
Annual Report
There is still time to provide feedback on the Draft 2019 Annual Report. The Annual Report will be considered by Council at Special Meeting on July 20, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
For more information on upcoming meetings, how to provide comments and the COVID-19 participation guidelines, please visit
Information updated as of July 6, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Please be reminded that there will be a Special Council Meeting today at 5:15 p.m.
The pre-registration for members of the public who wish to attend the meeting in-person is now full.
In addition, there will be a Special Council Meeting on July 20, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. where the Draft 2019 Annual Report will be considered. You can review the Draft 2019 Annual Report online.
Members of the public are strongly encouraged to submit written comments on agenda items to Council prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda. Correspondence can be provided by:
- Email:
- Mail: Oak Bay Council, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8R 1G2
- Drop Box: Main door, Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue
For more information on upcoming meetings and the COVID-19 participation guidelines, please visit
Information updated as of July 3, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Council Meeting Participation
Council has not yet returned to the regular meeting schedule. However, Special meetings are being held to progress municipal business. For information about upcoming meetings, or to see meeting agendas, minutes, or webcasts, please visit our agendas and minutes page.
To understand how to participate in Council meetings, please visit the municipal website for detailed options and instructions. If you have any questions, please contact staff by email at or by telephone at 250-598-3311.
Draft 2019 Annual Report
The Draft 2019 Annual Report is now available for review. The Annual Report will be considered at a Special Council meeting to be held on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. This meeting will be webcast live.
Please continue to follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s recommendations to continue slowing the transmission of COVID-19 through safe physical interactions including:
- Keeping a safe physical distance from others;
- Wearing a mask when maintaining distance is a challenge;
- Washing or sanitizing hands frequently; and
- Staying home if you are sick.
Please stay committed to flattening the curve in BC and keep doing your part.
Information updated as of June 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture
The District of Oak Bay is pleased to announce the re-opening of additional Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities and services. For the latest updates on the availability of facilities and services and how to participate, please visit
Ideas for Recovery – Have Your Say!
The Province of BC has released a discussion paper on Building BC’s Recovery, Together and is asking for public input to share ideas about opportunities ahead and to think broadly about recovery that will meet the needs of British Columbians.
Feedback can be submitted to, or take the BC Restart and Recovery Survey
Canada Day
Please remember to follow the rules for safe social interactions, keep your bubble small, and maintain physical distance from others outside of your bubble. Please stay home if you are sick. Remember to be self-sufficient and reduce your impact on local resources. Most important have a Happy Canada Day. Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe ‘eh!
Information updated as of June 26, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture Re-opening:
Starting Monday, June 29, 2020 the following Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture programs, services and facilities will be re-opening:
- Day camps for children and youth begin at the Neighbourhood Learning Centre, Oak Bay Recreation Centre, Windsor Pavilion and Henderson Recreation Centre.
- Limited indoor fitness programs will begin at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre, Windsor Pavilion, Monterey Recreation Centre and Henderson Recreation Centre.
- Personal fitness training and small group circuit training will start at the Henderson Recreation Centre.
- Adult wellness, fitness and art programs will begin at the Monterey Recreation Centre.
- Takeout food services will start at the Monterey Recreation Centre.
- The Arena at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre will open to limited lessons, private lessons, pre-registered open skates, sport skill development programs and rentals.
Council Meeting:
There will be a Special Council Meeting on June 29, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
While Municipal Hall remains closed to the public, members of the public are strongly encouraged to submit written comments on agenda items to Council prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Questions and comments may be submitted by email, mail, or drop box. All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda. Correspondence can be provided by:
- Email:
- Mail: Oak Bay Council, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8R 1G2
- Drop Box: Main door, Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue
Information regarding meetings of Council can be found at To view the meeting proceedings from home, you can watch the live webcast on the District’s website. Viewers may phone in to provide comments to Council during the meeting once Public Participation is invited by the Chair. Comments can be provided by calling 250-598-3311.
Members of the public may pre-register to attend the meeting (maximum number of 4 in person individuals). Attendees must pre-register by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting by:
- Email:
- Telephone: 250-598-3311
Persons wishing to attend Municipal Hall will be asked to answer pre-screening questions related to COVID-19 and will be required to sign a declaration prior to entering the Municipal Hall.
Information updated as of June 24, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
COVID-19 Participation Guidelines for Council Meetings
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the District of Oak Bay Municipal Hall remains closed to the public. Information regarding meetings of Council can be found at Members of the public are strongly encouraged to submit written comments on agenda items to Council prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
Questions and comments may be submitted by email, mail, or drop box and must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda. Correspondence can be provided by:
- Email:
- Mail: Oak Bay Council, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8R 1G2
- Drop Box: Main door, Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue
You may view the meeting proceedings from home via the live webcast from the District’s website at Viewers may phone in to provide comments to Council during the meeting once Public Participation is invited by the Chair.
- Telephone: 250-598-3311
If you receive a busy signal, please dial again until you get through to a staff person. Please note that time limits for public participation will adhere to the provisions of the Procedure Bylaw.
Members of the public may pre-register to attend the meeting (maximum number of 4 in person individuals). Attendees must pre-register by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting by:
- Email:
- Telephone: 250-598-3311
Persons wishing to attend Municipal Hall will be asked to answer pre-screening questions related to COVID-19 and will be required to sign a declaration prior to entering the Municipal Hall.
Parks, Recreation and Culture Re-opening
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture are continuing with the gradual re-opening of facilities, programs, and services.
This week the Weight Room and Fitness Studio at Oak Bay Recreation re-opened. Patrons who are looking to use the facility must pre-register, drop-ins are not permitted at this time.
Today the Premier announced that the provincial state of emergency is extended until July 7, 2020. The Province is beginning the transition to Phase 3 of BC’s Restart Plan which includes the re-opening of:
- Hotels and resorts;
- Parks;
- Movie theatres;
- The film industry; and
- Non-essential travel and tourism within British Columbia.
As we continue to increase our activity within the Province, we must remain committed to following the measures put in place by Dr. Bonnie Henry. COVID-19 is still in our communities, so together we must continue to:
- Maintain a safe physical distance from others;
- When unable to physically distance use barriers and non-medical masks;
- Keep our bubbles small and know everyone we are with;
- Stay home when ill; and
- Follow good handwashing hygiene.
Whether at home, work, school or travelling to another community, our individual decisions make a difference. Together it is our responsibility to protect our province, our community and our loved ones from the spread of COVID-19.
Information updated as of June 19, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Municipal Services Update:
Now Available:
- Driving Range at Henderson Golf Course – reduced number of stalls available
- Outdoor fitness equipment along Henderson Chip Trail – please follow posted safety protocols
- Batting cages at Carnarvon and Firefighter’s Parks – please follow posted guidelines for safe play
Available as of June 22:
- Weight Room and Fitness Studio at Oak Bay – pre-registration only, no drop-ins
- The following organized sports and activities will resume the week of June 22 with permission to use municipal facilities:
- Oak Bay Figure Skating
- Victoria Mariners Baseball at Henderson
- Carnarvon Ball Club
Please be reminded that COVID-19 safety enhancements will be in place for patrons and staff. Please adhere to the guidelines and follow the directions to maintain everyone’s safety. For more information about the re-opening of recreation facilities and restarting of programs, please visit or call reception at 250-595-7946.
Shop Local:
You are invited to eat, shop and play in Oak Bay. As many of our local businesses re-open, expand their services, and modify their operations during this time of COVID-19, please consider shopping locally. The District is maintaining an inventory of local businesses who are currently operating on our Celebrate Local page to help connect with you with programs and services right here in Oak Bay.
Do your Part:
Please remember that while some of the Provincial Health Orders have been relaxed, others are still firmly in place to continue slowing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping us all safe. Please continue to do your part to keep us progressing forwards in the restart plan by:
- Staying home if sick;
- Maintaining 2 m/6ft of separation from others;
- Washing your hands frequently; and
- Practicing good respiratory hygiene.
**Our next update will be on June 24, 2020**
Information updated as of June 12, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
As more services, businesses, and facilities reopen, consider spending your day in Oak Bay.
Shop Local:
Did you know that Oak Bay has one major village centre and 5 secondary shopping areas? There are many shops, restaurants, pubs, and services that you can access right here in Oak Bay. Consider staying in Oak Bay this weekend and supporting local businesses.
Available Activities:
Several District services and facilities have re-opened with more anticipated this month. Things to do in Oak Bay this weekend:
- Play golf at Henderson Par 3 Golf Course
- Play tennis or pickleball
- Visit the skatepark
- Play at the splashpad
- Visit one of the outdoor playgrounds
- Play basketball at one of the outdoor courts
- Visit one of our spectacular parks, beaches, or trails.
Please visit Oak Bays Parks, Recreation and Culture website to make reservations, or to see the safe play guidelines prior to accessing our available facilities.
Please continue to follow the directions of Dr. Bonnie Henry to ensure we continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 by:
- Staying home if you are sick;
- Maintaining physical distance from others of 2m/6ft;
- Washing or sanitizing hands frequently; and
- Covering your cough or sneeze.
Enjoy the weekend in Oak Bay. Please remember to be calm, be kind, and be safe.
The next update will occur on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
View previous updates by week:
Information updated as of June 9, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture Daycare Update
The District is pleased to share that daycare services are resuming on Monday, June 15, 2020. Please be advised that all childcare spots are full at this time. Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture has posted their COVID-19 Childcare Handbook for parents and guardians to review before attending the daycare. The handbook contains information for families about the policies and procedures that have been put in place to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the children, family members and staff who attend the daycare. For more information on the re-opening of the daycare and the changes to policies and procedures, please visit Paddington Station’s webpage.
Archives Services
Although in-person visits to Oak Bay Archives are not permitted at this time, archives services are available by phone at 250-598-3290 and email at Public access to archives services are available on:
- Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Thursday: 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
*The next regular update will occur on June 12, 2020*
Information updated as of June 8, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Ready to play in Oak Bay? The following recreation services have re-opened in Oak Bay:
- Playgrounds
- Walbran Park Trail
- Skate Park
- Lacrosse Box
- Tennis Courts
- Pickleball Courts
- Outdoor Fitness Class
- Golf Course
For more information, to make a reservation or to register for classes, please visit
Information updated as of June 5, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Secondary Drop Off Facility to close today
The secondary drop off facility located at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre (OBRC) closed today to prepare for the upcoming re-opening of services at OBRC.
The Elgin Road Drop Off Depot will continue to operate as per the following hours:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and
- Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please be reminded that physical distancing precautions remain in place due to COVID-19 at the Elgin Road facility. We ask that when visiting the facility please:
- refrain from idling cars while waiting in line; and
- always follow the direction of the District attendants.
June 8 Outdoor Play to resume in Oak Bay
The District is pleased to advise that playgrounds will re-open on Monday, June 8, 2020, in co-ordination with guidance from Island Health. Once the play structures are re-opened, signage will be in place to provide guidelines for safe use. We ask that while visiting our playgrounds please follow the public health and safety guidelines to protect yourself and others. This includes:
- Playground equipment is not sanitized so come prepared and bring your own hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes;
- Practice safe physical distancing and keep six feet (2 metres) away from others;
- Stay home if you are sick;
- Come back later if the playground seems too busy; and
- Limit your playtime to ensure everyone gets a turn.
Walbran Park Trail to re-open Monday, June 8, 2020
The Walbran Park Trail stairs will re-open on Monday, June 8. The stairs will be one-way up, with an alternate route down the hill. Signage will be installed to provide guidelines for safe use.
Please continue to follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s directions so that we do not risk a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. Before opening your bubble to others please assess your risk and ensure that you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and those around you. By working together and staying six feet apart, we will get through this.
Information updated as of June 4, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Outdoor Play to soon resume in Oak Bay
The District is pleased to advise that playgrounds will re-open on Monday, June 8, 2020, in co-ordination with guidance from Island Health. Once the play structures are re-opened, signage will be in place to provide guidelines for safe use.
Information updated as of June 3, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Planned Closure of the Secondary Municipal Drop Off Depot
Please be reminded that effective Friday June 5, 2020 the secondary drop off facility located at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre (OBRC) upper parking lot will be demobilized to facilitate the upcoming re-opening of services at OBRC.
The Elgin Road Drop Off Depot will continue to operate as per the following hours:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and
- Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please be reminded that physical distancing precautions remain in place due to COVID-19 at the Elgin Road facility. We ask that when visiting the facility please:
- refrain from idling cars while waiting in line; and
- always follow the direction of the District attendants.
BC Economic Development Association Support for Businesses
The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) has partnered with FortisBC to establish a telephone hotline to assist businesses in signing up for Support Local BC, an online platform that enables customers to purchase gift certificates from local businesses across the province.
The FortisBC-sponsored telephone hotline will operate Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The toll-free number for the hotline is 1-888-772-4667.
In addition to Support Local BC, BCEDA has also launched a Business Restart Survey as part of their Economic Disaster Recovery Program. Business who are interested in taking the survey, can take it online or by calling the FortisBC telephone hotline.
No matter where you go, whether indoors or outdoors, please continue to maintain a physical distance of six feet (two metres) from others at all times and limit gatherings to no more than 50 people.
Information updated as of June 2, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
With the slow re-opening of schools, please be reminded that school zone speed limits remain in effect. Speed limits in school zones are limited to 30 km/hr.
As we progress further into Phase 2 of the Province’s Restart Plan we need to be kind and understanding as we navigate these challenging times together, but at our own pace. For some people re-opening is happening too fast, and for others restarting is occurring too slowly. Please continue to be patient with others who may be experiencing the impacts of this pandemic differently from you.
The District of Oak Bay continues to prioritize the health and safety of the Oak Bay community and coordinating the safe re-opening of municipal services and facilities. This process requires tremendous staff time to undertake extensive planning, preparation, and collaboration with senior levels of government, Island Health and other authorities to ensure staff and public safety. We look forward to welcoming the public back to our facilities when it is safe and feasible to do so. Information on our services and facilities will be provided as information is available.
Please be advised that we will be shifting to a twice weekly schedule for providing web updates on our COVID-19 page. Regular updates will now be posted on Tuesdays and Fridays. The District remains committed to providing timely and pertinent information to our community and we will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.
To ensure our continued success of slowing the transmission of COVID-19 and relaxing restrictions, please continue to follow the guidance of Dr. Bonnie Henry including:
- Staying home if sick;
- Maintaining a physical distance of 2m/6 ft from others; and
- Washing hands frequently.
Thank you for continuing to do your part to stop the spread of this virus.
*** The next regular update will occur on Friday, June 5, 2020 ***
Information updated as of June 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture Outdoor Fitness Programming
The District is now pleased to be offering outdoor fitness programming at Kiwanis Park. Classes start on June 8, 2020 and bootcamp registration is now available online or by phone at 250-595-7946.
The re-opening and restarting of many businesses and services is continuing this week across British Columbia. Children have the option to return to school, BC Transit has resumed regular service levels and Provincial campsites have re-opened allowing for British Columbians to spend more time outdoors. Before accessing any of these services, please familiarize yourself with the COVID-19 protocols in place. Please remember that there is still transmission happening in our communities and that we are not out of the woods yet.
This slow and gradual re-opening of businesses and services is what we need to ensure that we are keeping the curve flat. Taking care of ourselves and each other remains the top priority and we must all continue to follow the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry. Before going out or expanding your social circle, please ask yourself:
- Are you feeling sick?
- Can you keep your group limited to 2-6 people?
- Is anyone in the group at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19?
- Do any members of the group have people at higher risk in their bubble?
When expanding our social circle, we need to be aware of how these interactions can impact ourselves and those within our bubble. When gathering with others it is important to:
- Meet outside or in bigger spaces;
- Limit your time together;
- Stay 2 metres or 6 feet apart; and
- Do not shake hands or hug one another.
Please continue to do your part to keep your community, your loved ones and yourselves safe.
Information updated as of May 29, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
Information for Passholders
Due to new operating regulations which limit group sizes, drop in attendance and enhanced safety protocols, Oak Bay Parks, Recreation, and Culture will be cancelling all time limited membership passes such as annual passes (pro-rated from March 17, 2020) and apply account credits respectively.
Credits may be used towards the purchase of single activity registrations, future admission punch cards, program registrations, and facility bookings once our programs and services resume operation. Please note that Oak Bay will not be selling any 5 week, 4 month, or annual passes for the foreseeable future. If you would prefer to be refunded by cheque please contact Reception at 250-595-7946 for assistance.
Municipal Transfer Station Closure
Please be reminded that effective June 5, 2020 the secondary drop off location at Oak Bay Recreation Centre’s upper parking lot will be demobilized to facilitate the pending re-opening of the recreation centre.
The Elgin Road Drop Off Depot will continue to operate as per the following hours:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and
- Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
If you are a business who is looking to re-open or a workplace looking for guidance, WorkSafeBC has developed COVID-19 guidelines through a collaboration with public health and workplace experts that provides the information and guidance for your workplace. Be sure to check the website frequently or call the WorkSafeBC Prevention Information Line at 1-888-621-SAFE, as new information is updated daily.
This weekend let’s stay and play in Oak Bay. At the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry, we are reminded to avoid all non-essential travel and become a tourist in our own communities. Here in Oak Bay we are lucky to have such a beautiful community to enjoy and explore. If you are looking for a new park to visit, you can view a list of all of our parks and beaches on Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture’s website.
If you are going out to enjoy our parks and beaches, please remember to:
- Physically distance from others by 2m/6ft;
- Frequently wash hands;
- Stay home if sick; and
- Practice proper respiratory hygiene.
Information updated as of May 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
The health and safety of the Oak Bay community remains the District’s top priority. The slow and thoughtful approach to moving into phase 2 and our new normal requires us to continue making adjustments in our daily lives.
As Dr. Bonnie Henry stated today, the impact of COVID-19 is far-reaching and affects us all. We know that our local businesses are facing unprecedented challenges. Today, Oak Bay Council resolved to relax the Streets and Traffic Bylaw to enable temporary sidewalk or parking lot patio stalls for small local business use. As noted in our previous daily COVID-19 updates, the District’s Emergency Operations Centre has reached out to businesses regarding opportunities for the District to provide support to businesses who need assistance to re-open or operate safely. Local businesses may still reach out to the District with proposals and to work with staff to explore potential solutions.
If you are a local business and you have a proposal or an idea that you believe would assist your business’ ability to operate safely, you can contact the District by email at or by phone at 250-598-3311.
We will continue to adapt our approach as necessary as we navigate this phase of the Province’s Restart Plan. Let’s all do our part to ensure that we keep our community, our loved ones, and ourselves healthy and safe. We will be able to stop the spread of COVID-19 by working together and supporting each other.
Thank you to Oak Bay residents for your ongoing dedication and commitment to following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s advice and guidelines. Your efforts are making a difference.
Information updated as of May 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
Today the Premier extended the Provincial State of Emergency until June 9, 2020 with the expectation that it will continue to be extended for the foreseeable future. It has been 10 weeks since the Province first declared a state of emergency and we are now in the longest state of emergency in British Columbia’s history.
We continue to carefully move forward into Phase 2 with more businesses re-opening their doors and friends and family thoughtfully expanding their social circles. Please remember that COVID-19 has a two-week incubation period, which means any new cases that are a result of the easing of restrictions will start to appear over the coming week. With this in mind, let’s continue to take advantage of activities closer to home, and look to increase social interactions only after fully considering the risks to you and your family.
The District of Oak Bay continues to work diligently to prepare for the safe re-opening of services and facilities. The District’s response will continue to adapt in collaboration with directions from the Province, Island Health, and other authorities as more is learned in the days ahead. As information about services changes, the District remains committed to keeping the public informed.
We all need to continue to do our parts to slow the transmission of this virus and allow us to further ease restrictions currently in place. Please continue to keep informed, and to follow the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Information updated as of May 26, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Planned Closure of the Secondary Municipal Drop Off Depot
To facilitate the upcoming re-opening of services at Oak Bay Recreation Centre (OBRC) the District will be demobilizing the secondary drop off facility that is located at the OBRC upper parking lot on June 5, 2020.
The Elgin Road Drop Off Depot will continue to operate as per the following hours:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and
- Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please be reminded that physical distancing precautions remain in place due to COVID-19 at the Elgin Road facility. We ask that when visiting the facility please:
- refrain from idling cars while waiting in line; and
- always follow the direction of the District attendants.
General Update
The Province’s survey, Your Story, Our Future closes on May 31, 2020. Oak Bay residents are encouraged to access the online survey to help inform the Province’s path forward. As we near the end of week 1 of Phase 2 of the Province’s Restart Plan, we must continue to show patience and understanding as the COVID-19 situation is a new learning experience for us all. The new normal is different and we must slowly develop our individual plans to move forward in a way that serves to protect us all.
Residents of Oak Bay have collectively contributed to flattening the curve in our community. It is critical that we continue to follow the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry, particularly:
- Staying home if sick;
- Maintaining physical distance from others of 2 metres (6 ft); and
- Practicing good hand hygiene.
We should all maintain confidence that the measures in place are effectively slowing the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to stay committed so that we may achieve social, economic, and surgical renewal. Keep bending the curve, not the rules.
Information updated as of May 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Now in the second week of Phase 2 with more businesses re-opening, it is critical that we maintain a physical distance from one another as much as possible.
Across the Province, British Columbians have remained committed while facing various challenges and making many sacrifices and together as individuals we must continue to do our part. Our efforts are succeeding and we are making progress in the fight against COVID-19.
As we look towards the further easing of restrictions later in the summer, we must continue with efforts to keep our curve flat. We need to be coordinated and we need to continue to take the measures that have been advised by Dr. Bonnie Henry to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities safe.
The success and our ability to ease restrictions relies on our shared commitment. Every person is having their own challenges and experiences and as a community we must continue to show compassion and tolerance to others.
As we continue to navigate our new normal with COVID-19, the most important think that we can do is to maintain a safe physical distance from others. Our best steps forward are six feet apart.
Information updated as of May 22, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
This week commenced the beginning of Phase 2 and the re-opening of some businesses. We are still learning to navigate this new normal and to understand how we can best protect our health as we increase our social circles and begin to return to some of our past activities.
Stay and play in Oak Bay. The following recreation facilities are open and ready to welcome back the community:
- Henderson Park Par 3 Golf Course, reserve your tee time here;
- Outdoor Tennis Courts, reserve your court online or call 250-370-7200;
- Outdoor Pickleball Courts, reserve your court online, or call 250-370-7200;
- Basketball Courts;
- Skatepark;
- Lacrosse Box; and
- Parks and Beaches.
Please remember to familiarize yourself with the COVID-19 protocols before arriving to play. Please continue to practice activities that slow the transmission of the virus including:
- Maintain physical distance from others of 2 metres
- Stay home if you are sick
- Cover your cough or your sneeze
- Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer
The District would like to remind businesses in Oak Bay that we recognize and understand the new challenges that many are facing during this unprecedented time of COVID-19 and we are here to help. To support businesses who are needing assistance to re-open or operate, the District is inviting you to reach out with proposals and to work with us to explore opportunities to assist with potential solutions. Examples of these proposals include potential use of:
- the public right of way; or
- business parking for another purpose.
If you have a proposal or an idea that you believe would assist your business’ ability to operate safely, you can contact the District by email at or by phone at 250-598-3311.
It has been inspiring to see the innovation, commitment, and compassion that British Columbians have shown while beginning to increase their activities in this phase. While we are all missing our loved ones, it is pertinent that we continue to follow the rules for safe social interactions. As we continue on this slow and steady path, we are confident that we will be able to bend the curve.
This weekend let’s stay committed to our role in slowing the transmission of COVID-19. The best place we can be this weekend is at home.
Information updated as of May 21, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
As we head into the first weekend of Phase 2 with the easing of some restrictions, we need to continue to remain united in our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Being able to increase our social circle is something that we have all been looking forward to, but we must do so thoughtfully. The COVID-19 situation is being closely monitored and relaxing some of the restrictions requires us to recommit to the measures and guidelines that Dr. Bonnie Henry has put in place so that we do not lose the progress that we have made.
Together we must continue to:
- Stay home and away from others when sick;
- Keep a safe distance from others of 2 metres;
- Wash your hands; and
- Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces.
As Minister Adrian Dix stated today, the only thing that we should be spreading in British Columbia is the message of the importance of physical distancing. Physical distancing saves lives and now is the time to spread the message, not the virus.
It is everyone’s responsibility to do all that we can to protect our loved ones and our communities across the Province. We understand the difficulties that many are facing and continue to face as we transition to Phase 2. Our ‘new normal’ is different from the way things were before COVID-19, but as businesses begin to re-open and our social connections increase we will continue to make progress in a way that is safe for everyone.
Our priority remains the health and safety of our community. Let’s remember to show kindness and compassion as we navigate this next phase together.
Information updated as of May 20, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay’s outdoor tennis courts, pickleball courts, basketball courts, skatepark, and lacrosse box will officially re-open tomorrow. Re-opening these outdoor facilities is a success on our path to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The District acknowledges that many members of our community are eagerly awaiting the re-opening of other municipal facilities and anticipating the re-starting of services that are currently on hold. Please be reminded that we are also eager to welcome you back and return to normal business when it is safe and appropriate to do so. We all must be mindful that Phase 2 of the Province’s Restart Plan just started yesterday and that we need to be patient and understanding as we navigate the new safety requirements together and implement COVID-19 enhancements to ensure the continued protection of community health. Minister Robinson said it best when she noted that re-opening of businesses and services should be compared to the slow turning of a dial, and not the flipping of a switch.
While Municipal facilities largely remain closed, staff are available by phone and email and contact information is accessible online through the Department Contacts page. When service levels change, the District is committed to communicating those updates to the public when information is available.
Thank you to the Oak Bay Community for your continued efforts to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Working together is the only path forward. Be kind, be calm, and be safe!
Information updated as of May 19, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Reservations for Outdoor Tennis and Pickleball Courts:
The District of Oak Bay will re-open outdoor Tennis and Pickleball Courts on May 21, 2020. Courts can be booked up to four days in advance by phoning 250-370-7200. Before arriving to play, please familiarize yourself with the Tennis and Pickleball guidelines for use during COVID-19.
May 19, 2020 marks an important milestone for our Province. We are now in Phase 2 of the Province’s Restart Plan and many businesses are beginning to re-open with new measures and protocols in place.
Despite the relaxations permitted by the Province, businesses and services may not re-open right away as they focus on developing and implementing their required COVID-19 safety plans. Please be patient as you wait for services to be restored and be understanding as we navigate the new requirements and experiences together. Everyone has their own individual comfort zones during these phases of COVID-19 and we need to be kind and compassionate with others.
While our individual experiences are unique, our commitment and actions in the fight against COVID-19 unite us all. Together we can protect ourselves and those around us by following the guidelines and advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry. Please continue to be vigilant and to do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 as we begin to ease restrictions.
As we progress to the next phase of the Restart Plan, now is the time to stay 100% committed, to be all in, and to continue to bend the curve.
Information updated as of May 16, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020, marks the first day of the Province’s Restart Plan. The District of Oak Bay reminds residents to stay local this weekend and continue to follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s guidelines that remain in place at this time.
As we progress to Phase 2 of the recovery process, please keep yourselves informed of the safety requirements and additional information that will be available as the circumstances of COVID-19 evolve. Businesses and organizations that are looking to re-open or modify operations need to know what applicable Provincial Health Orders and guidelines are in effect, and consumers should prepare themselves for experiences that will be different now than they were before COVID-19. You can find this information at:
COVID-19 is new for all of us and we need to be patient and compassionate as we navigate the path forward together. Our industry sector responses will continue to evolve to help keep us all safe. Managing this virus will be the best thing that we can do to manage and support our economy.
Take this weekend to plan your restart whether that be for yourselves and your family, or for your workplace or business. Let’s continue to work together to keep BC strong and to successfully progress through our recovery planning phases.
The District of Oak Bay will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will provide updates as information becomes available. Oak Bay remains committed to keeping the community informed about the availability of District services and operations in the days and weeks ahead.
*** The next update will occur on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.***
Information updated as of May 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
As we head into the long weekend, the District would like to remind the community that now is the time to stay committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19. British Columbians have demonstrated incredible commitment to following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s guidelines and Orders and as a result we are successfully flattening the curve, but we cannot let up now.
Looking towards Phase 2 and the easing of restrictions is something we are all eagerly anticipating and this weekend, more than ever, we need to do our part and stay apart from others. We want a strong start next week and in order to achieve that we need to stay local, stay apart and stay committed.
Now is the time to avoid all non-essential travel. The best place we can be this weekend is at home. We need to consider the impacts that travel or gathering in groups would have on the efforts made by the entire Province. Our hard work is paying off, but we must continue to hold the line.
This weekend let’s stay local and stay apart. If you are enjoying our parks and beaches, we ask that you do so carefully and maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others.
Tuesday May 19, 2020 signals the transition to Phase 2 with the re-opening of many business. Please be reminded that your shopping experience will be different than it was prior to COVID-19. Show Oak Bay businesses some love and shop local. Please be patient and understanding with other shoppers and businesses as we all learn to function within this new normal.
Thank you for your patience and dedication during these challenging circumstances. Be kind, be calm, be safe and please stay apart this weekend.
Information updated as of May 15, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.
The District of Oak Bay is making preparations to re-open some outdoor recreation facilities by the weekend of May 21, 2020, specifically:
- Tennis courts;
- Pickleball courts;
- Skatepark;
- Lacrosse Box; and
- Basketball Courts.
While Oak Bay acknowledges that members are eagerly anticipating the return of some of these physical activities, the District needs to undertake some safety and maintenance actions prior to opening, such as installation of appropriate signage including guidelines for safe use, cleaning of courts, and replacement of nets.
Oak Bay looks forward to welcoming you back to these facilities next week. We appreciate your patience and understanding as the District continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and adjusting our response as appropriate. Once these facilities are opened, guests will be asked to familiarize themselves with the posted guidelines for safe use and to continue following the guidelines of the Provincial Health Officer including:
- Physical distancing from others (minimum 2 m/6 ft);
- No sharing of equipment;
- Bring hand sanitizer for hand hygiene; and
- Staying home if you are sick.
For more information on the District of Oak Bay’s response to COVID-19, please visit
Information updated as of May 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
The District’s focus remains on the health and well-being of our community. We appreciate the patience and commitment of residents as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and adjust our approach accordingly.
Please be advised that effective Friday, May 15, 2020 the following changes will be implemented in the areas surrounding Willows Park and Willows Beach:
- The parking lot at Willows Park will be re-opened (Tea Room).
- Temporary parking restrictions around the area will be removed.
- Access to Esplanade Avenue and parking will be re-opened.
We ask that when visiting our parks and beaches, please maintain a physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from others. Our roving COVID-19 Ambassadors continue to roam our parks and beaches to provide public education to visitors regarding the Provincial Health Officer’s physical distancing guidelines.
We want this to be a strong start, not a false start. Please be advised that not all businesses and municipal services will be open for business on Tuesday, May 19 and we need to be aware that businesses which have re-opened will be operating differently.
As we approach the long-weekend, let's stay committed to doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Bend the curve, not the rules. Stay local, stay safe.
Information updated as of May 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Today the Premier announced that the Provincial State of Emergency has been extended until May 26, 2020.
As we look towards Phase 2 of the Province’s Re-Start Plan, many Oak Bay businesses are having to adjust their operations through innovative solutions and new practices to ensure that they are aligned with the Province’s guidelines and able to safely operate.
We understand that many businesses are facing new challenges during this unprecedented time of COVID-19 and we want you to know that the District is here to support you.
To support Oak Bay businesses who need assistance to re-open or operate, the District is inviting businesses to reach out with proposals and to work with the District to explore opportunities to assist with solutions on a case-by-case basis. Examples of potential proposals include:
- Use of the public right of way; or
- Use of business parking for another purpose.
If you have a proposal or an idea that you believe would assist your business’ ability to operate safely, you can contact the District by email at or by phone at 250-598-3311.
To date, British Columbian’s have shown extreme determination in the fight against COVID-19. As we prepare for the Victoria Day long-weekend and moving to Phase 2 of the Province’s recovery plan next week, we must remain committed to abiding by the current Orders and guidelines put in place by Dr. Bonnie Henry.
We recognize that the easing of restrictions is highly anticipated, but it is important to remember that we must do so carefully and thoughtfully. Dr. Bonnie Henry stated today, as we look towards opening our circle to more people (2-6 people), we need to remember three key aspects: location, duration and relation. This means:
- Smaller groups;
- Shorter time together;
- Bigger spaces (preferably outdoors); and
- Keep your circle consistent.
Let’s make the surgical, social, and economic renewal the success that we want them to be. Please stay close to home this weekend and remain 100% committed to stopping the transmission of COVID-19.
Information updated as of May 12, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
The number one priority for us all as we contemplate moving forward to Phase 2 of the Provincial Re-Start Plan is keeping us all safe. We are individually responsible for doing our parts and maintaining control of COVID-19. Together we we can move on to the next phases of the Re-Start Plan by continuing to follow the advice of Dr. Henry and being 100% committed to stopping the spread of this virus.
COVID-19 Survey: Your story, our future
BC has flattened the curve and as the Province looks towards re-starting services, the economy and our lives they have launched the BC COVID-19 Survey to gain input from British Columbians as they continue to develop their action plan.
During COVID-19 public health and government leaders have made decisions that have significantly impacted all of our lives in different ways. This survey is the first of several activities that will help strengthen the Province's pandemic response and provide insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the social, economic and mental well-being of British Columbians.
The survey takes 10-15 minutes and will be open until May 31, 2020.
Information updated as of May 11, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
The Henderson Park Par 3 Golf Course opened today and is pleased to welcome you back under new COVID-19 guidelines to ensure player safety during this pandemic . Please be reminded that at this time walk-ons are not permitted.
- Hours of operation will be Monday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- No walk-ons are permitted at this time.
- Tee times must be reserved online or by phone at 250-370-7200.
- Golf Score Cards can be downloaded online and will not be provided in-person.
- Please review the COVID-19 Pandemic Policy before attending the course.
The Province reminded us all today that we remain in Phase 1 of the pandemic plan which means that we must all remain committed to the Provincial Health Orders and guidelines in place. Please continue to physically distance from those outside of your household, wash your hands frequently, stay home if sick, and properly cover your cough.
If the new test positive cases continue to decrease, we can all look forward to some easing of restrictions and moving into phase 2 next week. The approach to implementing the re-start plan must be safe, practical, and sustainable. Our actions must be thoughtful and measured as outbreaks are still occurring which indicates that COVID-19 continues to be a risk to the community.
Please continue to do all you can so that we may collectively gain strength to defeat COVID-19. We must not give this virus the opportunity to take a greater hold on community public health. Everyone needs to take this to heart and continue to do the right thing.
Information updated as of May 9, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay acknowledges that the conversation around the Province has shifted to easing restrictions and re-start plans with an optimistic outlook on successfully slowing the spread of COVID-19. While the District also eagerly looks forward to progressing through the phases of this pandemic, we respectfully remind the community that the Province has reiterated that we remain in Phase 1. This means that we all must continue to practice the following guidelines:
- Physical distancing of 2m/6ft;
- Frequent hand washing;
- Staying home if sick; and
- Practicing proper respiratory hygiene.
Our ability to successfully progress through these phases depends on our unified and continued vigilance now, and in the coming weeks. Please keep yourself informed through the local and Provincial updates, continue to follow the Orders and advice of Dr. Henry, and be kind and compassionate with others. Working together is the only way we will all get through this; By protecting our families, our community, and keeping BC strong.
**Our next update will occur on Monday, May 11, 2020**
Information updated as of May 8, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
The weather forecast is favourable for the weekend. Please be reminded that physical distancing is still necessary to ensure that we do not contract or spread COVID-19. We must continue to keep a safe physical distance from anyone outside of our household. If you plan to visit our beautiful parks or beaches, please act responsibly and adhere to physical distancing requirements so that all visitors may safely enjoy these amenities.
Don’t forget that Henderson Park Par 3 Golf Course will open on Monday, May 11, 2020. Reservations for tee times are required and can be made online now, or by calling 250-370-7200. Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with the new COVID-19 guidelines before arriving to play.
This weekend is Mother’s Day and a time to celebrate and honour someone important in our lives. We can all do something special for our mothers, but we must plan appropriate and responsible ways to show appreciation to them and be accountable for those plans.
Please avoid any close physical contact, unless your mother lives in your immediate household. Remember that if your mother is older or has an underlying medical condition, celebrations must be done at a safe distance. Give the gift of staying safe and healthy!
Thank you for continuing to stand together, while staying physically apart.
Information updated as of May 7, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
As the weather continues to improve and we look to spend more time outside, and expand our circles to connect with family and friends, please be reminded that your risk of contracting COVID-19 has not lessened. We all need to continue to be responsible and accountable for the contacts that we have, especially for those more vulnerable in our families and our community.
We all need to continue:
- Physically distancing from others;
- Staying home if sick;
- Washing hand frequently; and
- Practicing respiratory hygiene.
We must continue to keep our circles small. All that we can do together helps us manage the chains of transmission so we can move forward with our social connections and restarting our local economy. We need to have a slow and thoughtful reset as no one wants to undo all of our hard work and sacrifices made throughout this phase of the pandemic. Remember to be understanding of the diverse circumstances our community members are facing. We will adjust as we learn. Please continue to follow the Orders and guidelines from the Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Information updated as of May 6, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
COVID-19 Ambassador Teams
Starting on Friday, May 8, the District of Oak Bay will be deploying roving COVID-19 Ambassador Teams. These Teams will be working 7 days per week, weather dependent, to provide public education to parks visitors regarding the provincial Health Officer's physical distancing guidelines. Ambassador Teams will primarily focus on the Willows Park/Beach and Cattle Point areas. Members of the public will be able to identify these teams by their Oak Bay Parks, Recreation & Culture shirts and name tags.
Henderson Park – Par 3 Golf Course
Effective Monday, May 11,2020 Henderson Park – Par 3 Golf Course will be re-opening with additional precautions implemented in response to COVID-19. These changes are outlined as follows:
- Hours of operation will be Monday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- No walk-ons are permitted at this time.
- Tee times must be reserved online or by phone at 250-370-7200.
- Golf Score Cards can be downloaded online and will not be provided in-person.
- Please review the COVID-19 Pandemic Policy before attending the course.
Today, the Premier unveiled the plan to restart British Columbia safely. B.C.’s Restart Plan will see the provincial government working closely with public health officials, businesses and labour organizations to lift restrictions in phases, allowing for more social and economic activity, while monitoring the health information to ensure that we do not undo the hard work of all British Columbians.
As we continue to chart our way forward, the District of Oak Bay is also developing a recovery plan in accordance with the public health guidelines and directions from the Province.
While Phase 2 is expected to begin in mid-May, we must hold the line to ensure we are able to continue to bend the curve. Please be reminded that we are not ready to immediately relax the restrictions in place as new outbreaks continue to emerge and without continued vigilance, hot spots will quickly flare.
COVID-19 has transformed our entire Province and we need to remember that as we proceed carefully into these next phases, we must diligently follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Orders and guidelines. By working together, we are doing our part to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities from COVID-19.
As Premier Horgan stated today, times are tough, but they will get better. Stay informed, be prepared and continue to follow Dr. Henry’s advice. Be kind, be calm and be safe.
Information updated as of May 5, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
To help keep the community connected during these uncertain times, the District has launched a new webpage on We recognize the isolation that many are feeling during COVID-19 and wanted to provide a space where community members could connect, share ideas and spread some kindness throughout the community. This new page allows the public to:
- Share how they are staying connected while apart from loved ones
- Celebrate successes of people in their life who they cannot physically celebrate with
- Share stories of kindness that they have experienced in the community
We hope that this page can help unite Oak Bay digitally during these uncertain times when the community cannot come together physically.
As we noted in our update yesterday regarding the anticipated easing of restrictions, the District would like to remind the community that we must continue to abide by the Orders and guidelines put in place by Dr. Bonnie Henry. While the work of all British Columbians has allowed us to bend the curve, we must remember that we have not yet stopped the spread of COVID-19 and we need to be diligent in our efforts to not undo all the work that has been done.
Going forward, we must follow the key principles outline by Dr. Bonnie Henry and continue to:
- Staying informed;
- Practice good hand hygiene;
- Stay at home and away from others if ill;
- Maintain physical distancing outside of the household;
- Increasing cleaning of high-touch surfaces at home and work; and
- Reducing all personal non-essential travel.
We know that this has been a trying time for us all and as a community we need to remember to show compassion, to be kind and to be tolerant. We are stronger together even though we are apart and we will get through this.
Information updated as of May 4, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
As we anticipate easing some of the restrictions in place and developing our plan to move cautiously forward during this time of COVID-19, we must be thoughtful and careful about starting to reopen our community and our economy. Our next steps must be the right ones for BC. What we are doing right now is working and saving lives of people in our community and we know no one wants to return to an increasing curve.
It is recognized that this will be a different summer, but it can be a summer of renewal if we stick to the rules and guidelines of Dr. Bonnie Henry. Physical distance is the most effective way to slow the transmission of this virus. We have to stay 100% committed even as the Orders and guidelines are adjusted.
We need to learn to live with the virus in a way that protects us all. This curve is ours to flatten. It is in our hands as long as we don’t forget to wash them.
Information updated as of May 1, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
To ensure that members of the public are able to maintain a safe physical distance from others, the District has temporarily expanded sidewalk areas on Oak Bay Ave. These expanded pedestrian areas are marked using barricades and no parking signs along the north sides of the impacted areas.
The two sections of Oak Bay Avenue that have been altered are:
- Mitchell Street to just before Wilmot Avenue (street parking will still be available on the south side of the street)
- Clive Drive to Prospect Place
As the District continues to navigate the COVID-19 situation, we remain flexible to adjusting our response in coordination with the evolving circumstances. We ask that all community members stay united and stay strong so that we can work together to bend the curve. We recognize that this is a difficult time for us all, COVID-19 has taken a toll on us physically, emotionally and socially, but we must all be champions against this virus.
Together as a community, we must support those around us and enable them to follow the guidelines and Orders from Dr. Bonnie Henry. We must be caring, we must be compassionate and we must be committed in the fight against COVID-19.
This weekend please follow the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry:
- Maintain a physical distance of 6 feet (2 metres);
- Stay home if you are sick;
- Don’t touch your face;
- Avoid gathering with people outside of your household;
- Practice good hand hygiene; and
- Limit trips outside the home.
We must remain 100% all-in to win the fight against COVID-19. This weekend and in the coming weeks and months ahead let’s bend the curve and not the rules.
Information updated as of April 30, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Effective Friday, May 1, 2020 the District will begin the transition to temporarily expand sidewalk areas on Oak Bay Ave to enable safe physical distancing. These expanded pedestrian areas will be clearly marked using barricades and no parking signs along the north sides of the impacted areas.
There are two sections of Oak Bay Avenue that will be modified:
- Mitchell Street to just before Wilmot Avenue (street parking will still be available on the south side of the street)
- Clive Drive to Prospect Place
This temporary change is being implemented to ensure that members of the public can safely maintain physical distancing in Oak Bay Village. District staff will continue to monitor and evaluate these changes and make adjustments as necessary.
In addition, the District would like to remind the public that effective tomorrow, May 1, 2020 our seasonal restrictions for dogs in our parks and beaches begin. We ask that while out enjoying our parks with your dog, please do your part to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from other parkgoers. Below is an up-to-date map on dog regulations throughout Oak Bay:
April 30, 2020 marks the 100th day since the Province initially issued the first warning statement regarding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We need to continue to be a 100% committed to doing our parts and to be individually accountable to protecting community health. As we look forward to easing some of the restrictions in place soon, we must recognize that not all restrictions will be lifted and that things will not return to the way they were before COVID-19. The new normal will still present challenges that we need to face together so that we continue to bend the curve and stop the transmission of this virus.
The District of Oak Bay remains committed to providing the community information as it becomes available so that we may all move into the next phase of this pandemic safely and successfully.
Information updated as of April 29, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and would like to remind all drivers that school zone speed limits (30km/hr) are still in effect. In addition, Island Health has extended COVID testing to anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 is eligible to get tested. Any physician or nurse practitioner can order a test for a patient. People who don’t have a primary care provider, are able to call the Island Health COVID-19 Testing Call Centre at 1-844-901-8442.
Today, Premier Horgan extended the Provincial State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 situation to May 12, 2020. This will ensure the good work undertaken by all British Columbians will not be undone.
While a plan following a slow, methodical, and phased in approach to re-opening the Province is expected to be released next week, we need to continue with the widespread coordination and cooperation currently underway to maintain the great progress made to slow the spread of this disease.
This virus presents challenges to each of us every day, and the impacts are undeniably hard on us all. We have shown that we can work together and be effective, and we need to continue with our efforts as we look to lifting some of the restrictions in a strategic manner that provides protection to community health.
We are all in this together. Please be kind and be compassionate as we collectively work to move forward.
Information updated as of April 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
As the District of Oak Bay continues to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation, we also recognize the significant impacts this pandemic has and continues to have on us all including social, financial, emotional and health challenges. The whole of government approach taken in BC has attempted to balance just enough restrictions to control the virus while allowing us to still function in a modified way as a community.
Please continue to do your part to slow the spread of the virus by:
- Staying home if sick
- Frequently washing hands
- Maintaining physical distance of a minimum of 6 feet from others when outside of the home
The decisions that we each make every day make an impact on flattening the curve. What you do does, and will continue to, make a difference in the coming days and weeks ahead. Please continue to hold the line and follow the directions of Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Information updated as of April 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
Thank you Oak Bay. Our sustained efforts to follow the Orders and guidelines implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are working. We need to keep practicing these new routines in our daily lives as we work to collectively slow the spread of the virus.
The made in BC approach used to flatten the curve continues to be different from that of our national and international neighbours. This means that the plans currently under development to ease restrictions will also be different. Residents are reminded to be patient and continue to follow the advice of the Provincial Health Officer as a province-wide plan is released in the coming days and weeks to ease these restrictions in a measured and consistent manner. It is key that we take the time to identify the necessary parameters to ensure that we can begin to slowly reopen safely and sustainably in the absence of a vaccine.
Working together and taking care of each other remains critically important to avoid creating hotspots or flareups in our communities and across the region. Please continue to stay home if sick, wash hands frequently, and maintain physical distancing of 2 metres when outside of the home.
The District of Oak Bay remains committed to providing timely updates as information becomes available as the COVID-19 situation evolves.
Information updated as of April 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Further to our update yesterday regarding the April 23 Special Council meeting, the Mayor has provided an in-depth overview covering the decisions made by Council pertaining to the District’s Draft 2020 - 2024 Financial Plan.
As the community works together to slow the spread of COVID-19, we want to remind everyone that it is pertinent that we continue to follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Orders and guidelines. We must:
- Practice physical distancing;
- Wash our hands;
- Use good respiratory hygiene; and
- Stay home when ill.
The District would like to remind the community that help is available if you need it. The hospital is safe and if you are experiencing a medial emergency you should still call 9-1-1 and visit the emergency room. In addition, the District also recognizes that not everyone has a safe place to call home and we want you to know that supports are available. Victims of family violence are able to contact VictimLinkBC by calling 1-800-563-0808 or visiting their website. For a thorough list of mental health supports available, please visit our information for individuals page.
Take care of each other. Be kind. Be calm. Be safe.
**Our next update will be provided on Monday, April 27, 2020**
Information updated as of April 24, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
On Thursday, April 23, 2020 Oak Bay Council held its first electronic Special meeting. Council made several decisions pertaining to the District’s Draft 2020 - 2024 Financial Plan in response to the widespread economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Council considered a number of options contained in the staff report as well as alternatives raised by Council.
Some of the decisions made by Council to help support community members during these uncertain times include:
- reducing the tax rate by 1.2%
- making changes to the property tax due dates
- revising the application of penalties; and
- eliminating penalties on overdue utility bills during this time of pandemic.
To see the full list of recommendations, please view the staff report concerning the COVID-19 Financial Plan Risk and Financial Hardship Mitigations, or to view the archived meeting video, please visit
In addition, Council discussed a number of future financial potential hardship mitigation measures that could be implemented should the COVID-19 situation persist longer-term in conjunction with any additional support measures provided by senior levels of government.
As we go into the weekend, we want to remind everyone that when out and about, please continue to do you part and stay 6 feet apart. One of the best things that we can do to protect our community is to maintain a safe physical distance from others when outside. If you are enjoying the outdoors this weekend, please do so carefully and follow the guidelines and Orders of Dr. Bonnie Henry. We are bending the curve and we must ensure that avoid undoing the hard work of all British Columbians.
Information updated as of April 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
We understand that many people in the community are eager to see guidelines and Orders eased, but we are not at that point. We ask that all members of the community continue to abide by the recommendations and Orders from Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Government and Island Health.
We will get through this storm with compassion, kindness and great care. We cannot let up on our commitment to all British Columbians, doing so will undo all of the work that we have achieved in these past weeks.
In order to reach the new normal, we need to continue to do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. As Minister Dix stated today, shutting down COVID-19 means re-opening BC. Thank you for remaining committed to the fight against COVID-19, it will take effort from all of us but together we will get through this.
Information updated as of April 22, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
To help alleviate increased demand for the municipal drop-off depot on Elgin Street while COVID-19 measures are in place, the District has created a secondary drop-off facility for yard waste and garbage at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre (OBRC) upper parking lot. Please take note of the following details if planning to visit this temporary facility:
- Access to the OBRC facility will be from Bee Street, but via Goldsmith Street only.
- The temporary OBRC facility will be open from 9:00am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and will NOT be open on Saturdays.
- Please be advised that recycling will NOT be accepted at the OBRC alternate drop off facility. ALL recycling must be taken to the District’s permanent drop-off depot on Elgin Street.
- District staff will aim to continue operating the OBRC temporary facility in addition to the Elgin Street depot as long as resident demand remains high.
Please be aware of the following additional information:
- Both facilities will be available for Oak Bay residents only. Users will be required to have a District issued decal or show proof of residency such as vehicle insurance documents or a current property tax bill.
- The Elgin Street Drop Off Depot will continue to operate as per the hours instituted during the COVID-19 pandemic response:
- 8:00 a.m. – 3:30p.m. Monday to Friday, and
- 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Saturdays.
- Social distancing precautions will remain in place at both the OBRC and Elgin Street facilities.
- People visiting either facility are reminded to please:
- refrain from idling cars while waiting in line, and
- always follow the direction of the District attendants.
We would like to remind the public that tomorrow Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 12:15 p.m. Council will be holding a Special meeting to consider the COVID-19 Financial Plan Risk and Hardship Mitigation Measures Report. To read the report, please view the Agenda. Feedback can be provided to up until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. You can watch the Zoom meeting at 12:15 p.m. here.
We continue to experience new community outbreaks of COVID-19. This tells us that we have more work to do to break the chains of transmission in our communities. Please be reminded that if you are ill, stay home, stay away from others, and get tested if appropriate.
Before the Province can ease restrictions, we need to have a decline in the number of cases and the number of outbreaks. We need to recommit to follow the Orders and guidelines in place, and to do our parts in order to move forward before we can begin to phase in a measured return to normal. The only way forward is to do it together.
Please continue to be kind, be calm, and to be safe.
Information updated as of April 21, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
While the Oak Bay community is looking forward to returning to normal life such as resuming work, visiting with friends and family, and accessing services that are currently not available, we need to keep up our work and bend the curve. We continue to navigate this new normal and we understand that people may be feeling the sacrifices we encounter with these restrictions, but we must continue to act. The Province has indicated that our collective focus needs to ensure that the storm has passed before any of the implemented restrictions can be loosened.
As we all work together to slow the spread of COVID-19, we appreciate the compassion, care, and kindness that we have witnessed from community members as we all do our part. We remain in a critical time of this pandemic and everyday counts. Please continue to follow the orders of the Provincial Health Officer to slow the spread of COVID-19 by:
- Maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet (2 metres);
- Staying home if you are sick;
- Practicing good hand hygiene; and
- Limiting trips outside the home.
We will get through this together by remaining calm, remaining kind, and showing compassion to others.
Information updated as of April 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
As we continue to modify our lives to adjust to the COVID-19 situation, we also recognize the challenges faced by those in our community and we appreciate how committed residents remain to doing their part to slow the spread.
We are disappointed to share that the Oak Bay Tea Party Society has made the difficult decision to cancel the 58th Annual Oak Bay Tea Party. While we know many families will be disappointed to miss this year’s event, we know it will be back next year, better than ever.
Organizers of the Tea Party don’t want us all to miss out experiencing the spirit of the Tea Party. They are asking the community to their favourite photos, stories, and memories of the Oak Bay Tea Party by sending them to the Oak Bay Tea Party email.
We would like to remind the public that this Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm Council will be holding a Special meeting to consider the COVID-19 Financial Plan Risk and Hardship Mitigation Measures Report. To read the report, please view the Agenda. Feedback can be provided to up until 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.
It is the responsibility of us all to continue holding the line and doing all that we can to slow the spread of COVID-19. We recognize the hardships and sacrifices that you have made and continue to make, and we thank you. We cannot let our guard down now. Together we will stay strong.
Be kind. Be Calm. Be Safe.
Information updated as of April 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
The Province released modelling yesterday that is available at that allows interested individuals to manipulate the data to show specific statists. In addition, this modelling indicates that the restrictive measures taken to date have flattened the curve. Thank you to all community members who have altered their behaviours to protect ourselves, our families, our communities, and our frontline workers.
We are in the eye of the storm at the moment and we must remain committed to the measures as directed by Dr. Bonnie Henry to stop the chains of transmission of COVID-19. We must not let our guards down now as the risk of experiencing a spike in cases remains a real possibility.
Since this disease has a long incubation period of up to 14 days, we must act in two week blocks based on the number of new test positive cases occurring within those blocks. These restrictive measures are for now, not forever. We ask that you continue to stay the course, bend the curve and not the rules, and await further direction from the Provincial Health Officer.
The District of Oak Bay is committed to providing updates as the pandemic evolves. At present we ask that you continue to show kindness and care so we can all get through this together.
**Our next update will be posted on Monday, April 20, 2020**
Information updated as of April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
On April 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm Council will be holding a special meeting, one of the reports is COVID-19 Financial Plan Risk and Hardship Mitigation Measures. To see the report, please view the Agenda. Feedback can be provided to and a link to the livestream electronic meeting will be provided.
The modelling released by the Province today illustrated how working together and following the orders and recommendations is making a difference in the fight against COVID-19. Taking these measures and remaining diligent in our decisions to do the right thing is having a positive impact and bending the curve.
What the future holds is entirely dependent on the actions of us all. If we relax our efforts now there is considerable risk of human cost. The measures underway are working.
We must commit to our new normal and continue to:
- Maintain a physical distance of 6 feet (2 metres);
- Stay home if you are sick;
- Practice good hand hygiene; and
- Limit trips outside the home.
Please continue to show care and compassion to those around us.
Information updated as of April 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Today the Province announced Here2Talk, a new mental health counselling and referral service for post-secondary students. The service offers confidential, free single-session services by app, phone or online chat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
As new information and supports are announced, the District continues to compile helpful resources for the community. These supports are located on the following pages:
Our efforts to bend the curve are making a difference. We must continue to hold the line and stay strong in our commitment.
As we continue to navigate this situation, we ask that you show kindness and compassion to others. We recognize the hardships that many are facing and we want to remind everyone that we are in this together. As a community we will get through this.
Information updated as of April 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
The District recognizes that the Municipal Transfer Station is experiencing high traffic volumes and longer than normal wait times as the number of vehicles permitted to enter the facility has been reduced to meet physical distancing requirements. Please be patient and considerate of staff and residents of Elgin Road if attending the facility.
Today the Premier extended the State of Emergency to April 29, 2020. The circumstances of this pandemic continue to change and we understand that situation presents challenges for many people. Please be assured that if you need help, do not hesitate, or be afraid to call 9-1-1, or seek other assistance that you may require.
It is important to support each other while understanding that we are not a point in this pandemic where we can relax the measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. As Premier Horgan noted today, "we must continue to be steadfast in our commitment to keep our communities safe".
Please be calm, be kind, and be safe.
Information updated as of April 14, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Municipal Transfer Station:
As previously noted, the Municipal Transfer Station has made changes to the hours of operation and protocols in response to COVID-19. This includes:
- Only permitting three cars in the facility at one time to allow for social distancing;
- Not allowing any foot traffic into the facility; and
- Changing the hours of operation to:
- Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
As a result, there have been increased wait times to access the facility, with the peak wait time being two hours long. For residents who have an immediate need to go to the Transfer Station, please be prepared and expect delays. While you wait to access the Transfer Station, we ask that you:
- Turn off your car and do not idle;
- Follow the direction of Public Works staff; and
- Be respectful of the residents on Elgin Road.
Residents of Oak Bay continue to make sacrifices and all of our efforts are helping to slow the spread of COVID-19. We must continue to follow the rules and flatten the curve. We know that the things we are doing in British Columbia are making a difference and it is critical for all of us to keep following the directions of Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Be kind and understanding at home and out in the community. Please be reminded that we don’t know other people’s circumstances and we need to be extra kind to each other in these very challenging times.
What we are doing now in our community is making a difference. Thank you all for your continued efforts.
Councillor Hazel Braithwaite holding the heart flag that is now flying at Oak Bay Municipal Hall to show support to frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information updated as of April 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
**Our next update will happen on April 14, 2020**
Information updated as of April 9, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Long Weekend Operating Hours
Municipal Hall
- Closed open Friday April 10, and Monday April 13
- Telephone and email services will resume at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
Municipal Transfer Station
- Closed Friday, April 10
- Open on Saturday, April 11 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Closed Monday, April 13
- Re-opens on Tuesday April 14 at 8:00 a.m.
The District respectfully asks that all residents accessing the Municipal Transfer Station please turn off their engines as they wait to access the facility.
As we head into the long weekend, the District would like to acknowledge the difficulties that we are all facing as a result of the enduring COVID-19 pandemic. Our traditional ways of living have been and continue to be disrupted. We understand that many are feeling the sacrifices that all British Columbians are making. The upcoming weekend is a time for many religious celebrations, but this weekend we must stay home.
We need to consider the impacts that travel or gathering in groups would have on the efforts made by the entire Province. Now is the time that we must commit to doing what we need to do, staying apart, connecting virtually, and physically distancing. Every day that we continue these efforts, we are making a difference. Together, we can bend the curve.
Residents are reminded that the District is temporarily closing parking at Willows Park, reducing parking in the surrounding areas, and limiting access to Esplanade Avenue to local traffic only. This approach is being introduced in an effort to ensure that visitors can enjoy the park safely while maintaining the recommended physical distancing guidelines necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as instructed by Dr. Henry.
While the parks are open, outdoor recreation facilities, including playgrounds, remain closed.
We are anticipating good weather over the long weekend, so the District of Oak Bay is appealing to residents going out into the community to do so carefully and considerately by maintaining a physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from others at all times while out.
Many people also come from outside of the municipality to enjoy our parks and beaches, but at this time we ask that any potential visitors to Oak Bay stay at home. When we get through these extraordinary times we look forward to welcoming people back into our community. At this time we appreciate the patience and understanding of the wider public as we work through these challenging circumstances together.
Information updated as of April 8, 2020 at 6:00p.m.
The District’s focus remains on the health and well-being of our community and we appreciate the diligence and commitment of residents as we all work together to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Please be advised that changes have been implemented in District parks as follows:
- Effective immediately
- Walbran Park Trail (that runs between Sunny Lane and Dennison Road) is temporarily closed until further notice
- Effective Thursday, April 9
- The parking lot at Willows Park will be closed (Tea Room)
- Parking around the area will be significantly reduced
- Access to Esplanade Avenue will be limited to local traffic only
Information for Recreation Annual Pass Holders
- Passes will automatically be extended for the duration of our temporary closures for all annual rec pass holders
- Memberships may also be cancelled by contacting Oak Bay Recreation Reception at 250-595-7946 Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.*
- Refunds will be backdated to the date of closure
*Please note that the Reception office will be closed April 10, 2020 through April 13, 2020
and will reopen Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Municipal Transfer Station:
The District respectfully asks that all residents accessing the Municipal Transfer Station please turn off their engines as they wait to access the facility to:
- Avoid vehicles idling causing emissions; and
- Reduce noise disturbances for residents along Elgin Road.
We appreciate your cooperation.
We understand that many residents are going out and exercising in our beautiful community and we ask that all who do so please maintain a physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from others while out. We must consider the impact of missteps and the toll it would take on all the work we have done to reduce the transmission. Enjoy the sun, but stay apart!
Information updated as of April 7, 2020 at 4:15 p.m.
Today is World Health Day and we would like to recognize all of the healthcare workers undertaking extraordinary work to provide much needed support during this pandemic. Join us at 7 p.m. tonight and every night to make some noise for our healthcare workers.
Everyone is feeling the impact of this crisis in very unique and personal ways. We continue to be inspired by how our community is coming together to support one another and stay connected while overcoming our physical distance.
Despite the beautiful weather, we ask that you please avoid all non-essential travel at this time. This virus knows no borders, now is not the time to travel to cottages or second homes, but rather the time to take extra precautions to protect our elders and our seniors. As Minister Dix noted, now is the time to bend the curve, not the rules.
We would also like to acknowledge and thank all of the essential service workers for helping us get through these difficult times. Together we will emerge from this crisis as a stronger and more connected community.
Information updated as of April 6, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
The District remains committed to taking the necessary measures to protect our community and slow down the transmission of COVID-19.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, so does the District’s response. Today, at the Special Council Meeting, Council directed staff to temporarily relax enforcement of the zoning bylaw regulations that prohibits the use of campers and restricts the location of campers on single family residential properties.
As a result, residents may be permitted to use one camper per single family residential property as temporary accommodation for the specific purpose of self-isolation by person(s) required to adhere to the Orders of the Provincial Health Officer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Residents who are using a camper for self-isolation purposes on their property are requested to advise the District by contacting the Building and Planning Department by phone at 250-598-3311 or by email to
We recognize that this is a challenging time for us all. Many sacrifices are being made to ensure that we are doing our best to protect our families, our communities, our essential workers, our healthcare workers, and our healthcare system. We thank everyone who is following Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry’s recommendations and Orders to help flatten the curve and urge you to continue to be 100% all in by:
- Maintaining physical distance, a minimum of 2 metres (6 feet);
- Avoiding gatherings and groups of any size;
- Staying home wherever possible and limiting all non-essential trips out of the house; and
- Staying connected while staying apart.
Changes to transportation services:
BC Transit and BC Ferries have implemented new changes and regulations in response to COVID-19.
BC Ferries:
Beginning on Saturday, April 4, 2020, BC Ferries implemented service reductions for a period of 60 days on major routes and until further notice on other routes. View the following routes that have been impacted.
In addition, effective today at noon, BC Ferries has started screening passengers for COVID-19. Anyone who has flu-like symptoms or has returned from abroad within the previous two weeks will be denied boarding.
BC Transit:
BC Transit continues to provide transportation services to customers and is implementing enhanced measures in response to COVID-19.
BC Transit has extended its free fares until the end of April and is only allowing back-door entries on its buses. BC Transit is also limiting passenger capacity to enable physical distancing and is beginning to install vinyl panels to support physical distancing for transit operators and customers. Learn more about BC Transit’s response to COVID-19.
We appreciate everyone’s work to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. We see the efforts of all British Columbian’s helping to bend the curve, but we cannot let up now. Together, we will get through this. Be kind, be calm, be safe.
Information updated as of April 4, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
We are at a crucial stage in this incubation period so it is our time to be unwavering in our commitments to continue doing all of the things every day that stop the transmission of COVID-19.
The risk remains very high for contracting this disease. We must remain united in stopping the spread and finding ways to get through this together. We will see the benefits of the extent of our efforts upholding the Orders and advice of Dr. Henry over the coming days. Please continue to be vigilant, be all in in, and help bend the curve in our region.
*** Our next update will happen on April 6, 2020. ***
Information updated as of April 3, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
It is undeniable that these are precarious times for us all. The risk of COVID-19 remains high for all of us so we must be unified in our focus and our commitment to holding the line to protect our families and our community.
We all need to be messengers for the Orders and advice put forward by Dr. Henry. We must continue to:
- Wash our hands
- Stay home
- Maintain physical distance
- Self-isolate as required
- Stay socially connected while maintaining a safe physical distance.
We must stand united in our focus and continue to work together to support each other in order to be empowered to do the right things.
Please continue to do the right thing and help others do the right thing because it is working and will help to restrain the growth of COVID-19.
Information updated as of April 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
As the situation changes, the District continues to follow the direction of Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Province and Island Health.
We recognize that this is a challenging time for everyone, but it is vital that the Orders of the Provincial Health Officer be followed. We expect that everyone is doing that part
Physical distance remains something we all must continue to do to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The greatest source of transmission is family and loved ones. These rules have been put into place to protect your family, your loved ones, and your friends. It is your responsibility to protect your community. Expectations for us all to do our part are high, and it is our individual and personal responsibility to follow the orders of the Provincial Health Officer and the Federal and Provincial Governments.
If you are looking at ways to provide support during COVID-19, we recommend the following options:
- There is a serious need for blood donation in our region. Please visit to determine if you are eligible to donate.
- If you are looking to make donations to local food banks we ask that you please make financial donations. This is to:
- reduce the contamination of products;
- reduce the number of people attending facilities for drop-offs;
- allow for better control of products; and
- maximize cost-savings by buying in bulk.
We must be 100% all in to flatten the curve. Thank you for doing your part. We'll get through this together.
Information updated as of April 1, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
Yesterday Premier John Horgan extended the Provincial State of Emergency until April 14, 2020 with the possibility of further extension. This afternoon, the Premier and Minister Bruce Ralston announced BC Hydro’s three-month relief package for customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have added these resources to our information pages for:
As we continue to adapt to the changes in our daily lives due to COVID-19, we must recommit to our efforts to slow the transmission of the disease. We acknowledge that this is a very challenging and uncertain time for us all, but we must continue to be committed to following all of the Provincial Health Officer’s restrictions and Orders. The more committed we are right now, the more we will be able to bend the curve.
Right now our task is simple. We must dig deep, work harder, maintain physical distance, follow the Orders, and stay 100% committed. It’s our duty and we need to do our part.
Information updated as of March 31, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
We are at a crucial moment for the course of COVID-19 in BC and we continue to monitor the situation carefully.
There is still considerable risk to the public and we must follow the Orders of the Provincial Health Officer every day, and every minute of every day, to ensure that we bend the curve.
No one is immune to COVID-19, but we can all make an impact by:
- Avoiding gatherings and groups of any size;
- Staying home wherever possible, avoiding all non-essential trips out of the house;
- Maintaining physical distance, a minimum of 2 metres (or a “hare” over 6 feet); and
- Staying connected while staying in.
Everyone can make a difference. We must remain 100% committed to keeping this curve flat. Now is the time and we cannot let up our efforts, we must stay united and do all that we can to help protect the health of our community.
Information updated as of March 30, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, the District has made the following adjustments to the Transfer Station operating hours.
The new operating hours for the Transfer station are:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Saturdays 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The District has been notified by our recycling service provider that they are experiencing difficulties with regular collection runs in Oak Bay. We ask residents to please ensure that all medical waste, including tissues, wipes, face masks, and gloves not be included in your recycling.
Photo courtesey of Recycle BC.
We would like to remind the community that this is a critical time for us all and we must continue to do all that we can, together, to break the chains of transmission. We need to stay consistent in our approach and ensure that we stay connected through other means while keeping our distance. In addition, all gatherings and groups of any size, whether inside or outside the home, should be avoided.
We understand that it is challenging for all of us not knowing the future, but we must remain 100% committed and united around this one goal – to slow the spread.
Information updated as of March 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Information updated as of March 28, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay acknowledges that we are all facing difficult challenges at this time and appreciates the efforts undertaken by our community to slow the transmission of COVID-19. As Minister Dix noted today we must dig deeper, fight harder, and continue to be all in.
We are at a critical point in the trajectory of this pandemic. Please continue to diligently do your part for the coming days and weeks. Avoid all non-essential trips out of the house. If it is not essential, please stay home and help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Reducing the impacts and stopping the spread of this virus depends on the personal actions of each and every one of us, every day. 100% adherence of 100% of us all is required to be effective and to see the results that we need to see to return to normal and start the recovery process.
Please note that if you go outside to enjoy any of our parks, beaches, or trails, that you purposefully and thoughtfully maintain 2 metres, or 6 feet, of physical distance between yourself and others.
*** Our next update will happen on Monday, March 30, 2020. ***
Information updated as of March 27, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, the District would like to remind everyone that it is imperative that we all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19.
As Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix discussed today, the evidence is clear that if every person in British Columbia commits to physical distancing, we can flatten the curve. Every day that we stay at home and stay apart we are strengthening the response to COVID-19 and doing our part to protect our community, our loved ones, and our healthcare workers.
As you go into this weekend, we ask that you please:
- physically distance yourself 2 metres (6 feet) from others;
- stay home if you can, limit activities outside of the home;
- avoid social gatherings of any size;
- wash your hands; and
- adhere to travel advisories and self-isolation requirements.
We encourage you to stay connected to your family and friends by picking up the phone or using one of the online options. We can stay connected, even while physically distanced.
The District’s focus remains on the health and well-being of our community and we know that it will take a collaborative effort to reduce the spread of this virus. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect our community against COVID-19 and together we can do it.
Be kind, be safe, be responsible and do your best.
Information updated as of March 26, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Under Ministerial Order No. M083, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Mike Farnworth, suspended all municipal bylaws that restrict the movement of goods and supplies. This may have some implications for residents such as the time of day for deliveries.
The District recognizes that this may cause occasional disturbances for some residents and requests your understanding of the circumstances leading to the declaration of this order. Oak Bay will not be able to enforce any Bylaws that prohibit these activities while the Ministerial Order is in effect.
In addition, this order granted flexibility for local governments to conduct meetings of Council by electronic means or other communication facilities. The requirements for the public to be physically present to observe the proceedings do not apply to meetings conducted electronically or by other means of communication facilities during the pandemic.
This order further provided relaxations to the readings of bylaws. Municipalities may adopt a bylaw on the same day that a bylaw is given third reading during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please be reminded that all Orders must be followed by local governments, businesses, and individuals in the ongoing effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19.
The District thanks all members of the community who have adjusted their daily lives as directed by the Public Health Officer to protect community health. How we act today determines our future for the days and weeks ahead. Physical connectedness puts people at risk. The distance between us unites us. Take care of each other, be kind, and do your part.
Fraudulent activity related to COVID-19:
There has been an increase in fraudulent activity related to COVID-19. As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, we ask that the public watch out for associated scams. They are exploiting the crisis to facilitate fraud and cybercrime.
Fraudsters are looking to profit from the public’s:
- Fears
- Uncertainties
- Misinformation
Scams are continuing to emerge via:
- Text
- Telephone
We ask that you please do not give out any personal information, funds, or banking/credit card information.
For a list of reported scams and for trusted resources and advice, please visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
Information updated as of March 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
The District recognizes how hard this situation is on all of us and how important it is that we look after ourselves and each other. The Provincial Health Officer is once again reminding the public that physical distance between individuals is essential to delay the onset of COVID-19. This means:
- limiting guests to your home;
- not congregating at beaches and parks where you cannot maintain 2 metres (6 feet) of separation from others; and
- not playing on sports courts, touching the same ball.
We understand that this is difficult, but it is imperative that we find ways to support each other without physically being together. This is a temporary sacrifice that we need to make for our common safety; ensuring physical distance while maintaining social connection.
To maintain social distancing at our Municipal Transfer Station the District is now only allowing three vehicles in at a time. Any questions regarding this can be directed to Public Works at 250-598-4501.
As a community, we must understand where the risks are and what actions we can personally take to reduce these risks. Together we will get through this.
Information updated as of March 24, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
The District remains committed to sharing information and taking the necessary measures to protect our community and slow down the transmission of COVID-19.
The District has added additional information regarding supports for businesses and individuals along with the District’s Business Continuity Plan to keep the community informed of our service levels.
We would like to remind the community that what happens today directly impacts what happens tomorrow, next week, and next month. We must support each other, rely on each other and do our part to get through this pandemic. It is critical that we continue to remain vigilant in protecting ourselves and those around us. We can only do this together.
As a reminder, we ask that you:
- physically distance yourself 2 metres (6 feet) from others;
- stay home if you can, limit activities outside of the home;
- avoid social gatherings;
- wash your hands; and
- adhere to travel advisories and self-isolation requirements.
It is our collective responsibility to protect our community against COVID-19. We appreciate all who have been abiding by Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry’s recommendations, and for those who haven’t, the time to start is now. We all have a duty to do our part today and all the days ahead to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Subscribe to the District’s updates on COVID-19
Information updated as of March 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the District continues to adjust our response accordingly. Please be advised that, effective immediately, the following outdoor recreational facilities are closed until further notice:
- All Basketball Courts
- Henderson Par 3 Golf Course
- Outdoor Fitness Equipment at Henderson Park
- All Pickleball Courts
- Skatepark
- All Tennis Courts
- Waterpark
The District has undertaken these additional measures to further support the directives of the Provincial Health Officer, particularly around physically separating from others outside of your home by a minimum of 2 metres, or 6 feet to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Physical distancing is critical and requires 100% compliance. We want to remind the public that this is not a suggestion, but an order from the Provincial Health Officer and we all need to do our part by ensuring that we stay 2 metres apart from others at all times.
The District of Oak Bay has released a new service level update. Please note that these service levels are subject to change as the situation evolves.
If you have any questions about services, please contact the appropriate department or facilities. Customer service contact information is available on the District’s website at We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we all work together and do our part to keep our community safe.
Be kind, be calm, be responsible, and be safe!
Information updated as of March 22, 2020 at 2:30 p.m.
We would like to remind everyone that while out enjoying our parks and beaches we ask that you follow the Provincial Health Officer's order and maintain a physical distance of 6 feet (2 metres) at a minimum.
Information updated as of March 21, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
While there are no additional updates to provide regarding municipal services, we are reminding residents of the importance of physically separating from others. If you are heading out into the community, please ensure that you are limiting your in-person social interactions to those who live in the same home as you, and that you are maintaining a social distance of 2 metres from other individuals that you may encounter. Physical separation is critical to slowing down the spread of COVID-19 in our community. We all have a responsibility to fully commit and we all need to do our parts to protect ouselves, our families, and our community.
Be kind, be calm, be responsible, and be safe!
Information updated as of March 20 at 6:00 p.m.
As the Covid-19 situation rapidly evolves, the District continues to modify our response accordingly. Additional changes to municipal services on March 20, 2020 include the following:
- all public playgrounds in municipal parks and facilities are closed until further notice
- childcare and spring break camps have ceased operations effective as of close of business Friday, March 20, 2020; and
- bylaw enforcement services will focus on health and safety issues, such as building without permit.
These measures were implemented to support the directives of the Provincial Health Officer to:
- maintain social distancing;
- avoid social gatherings;
- stay home; and
- adhere to travel advisories and self-isolation requirements.
Please note that parks and public washrooms remain accessible at present. Users are reminded to:
- maintain recommended social distancing of 2 meters; and
- take extra precautions if using these public facilities.
The District encourages all residents to follow the advice of the Provincial Health Officer to protect yourself, your families, and your community. Do it for the people you love, and for those you don’t know. Please look for opportunities to support each other during these challenging times and remember to be kind, be calm, and be safe.
Information updated as of March 19 at 6:20 p.m.
The District of Oak Bay remains committed to sharing information so that we can work together to slow down the transmission of COVID-19.
As the District continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely, we are reminding residents that you can help protect yourself, your family, and the broader community by:
- Practicing social distancing;
- Washing your hands frequently;
- Staying home as much as possible;
- Staying home if you are sick;
- Cancelling gatherings of 50 or more people; and
- Complying with the travel advisories and orders for self-isolation.
If you are concerned about symptoms you may be experiencing or that you have been exposed to COVID-19, the BC Ministry of Health has developed a self-assessment tool to help determine whether you may need further medical assessment or testing.
In addition to the self-assessment tool, the Province has created a phone service to provide non-medical information about COVID-19. Information is available in more than 110 languages from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. at 1-888-COVID-19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300.
Municipal facilities remain closed to the public at this time, except the Municipal Transfer Station (Public Works Yard) which is still open for recycling, garbage and garden waste drop offs. Please be assured that these closures are temporary and services will be restored.
Our focus remains on the health and well-being of our community. It will take a collaborative effort to reduce the spread of this virus and we thank you for doing your part.
Information updated as of March 18, 2020 at 5:45 p.m.
The District is monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and we continue to adjust our response based on the recommendations of the Provincial Health Officer and senior levels of government.
Protecting the health and safety of our community members is at the forefront of our decision making and we are dedicated to making changes now to try and “flatten the curve.”
The District recognizes that this situation is unsettling and we thank members of the public for their understanding, patience and cooperation as we navigate this rapidly evolving situation.
We are committed to keeping the community informed and will continue sharing the reliable information as this situation develops.
Information updated as of March 18, 2020 at 1:16 p.m.
A Provincial State of Emergency has just been declared by Public Safety Minister, Mike Farnworth, with the intention of allowing the Province increased flexibility to respond to COVID-19. The Provincial State of Emergency has been declared for two weeks, with the potential of extension upon further review. The declaration of a Provincial State of Emergency also allows the Province to undertake necessary legislative changes to ease the burden of statutory requirements on local governments and the public. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
The District’s primary concerns remain the health and safety of our staff and community. Closures from yesterday remain in place with the exception of the Municipal Transfer Station and child care and spring break camps.
We encourage everyone to continue following the advice of the Provincial Health Officer including measures such as social distancing, handwashing, avoiding public spaces, and staying home if sick. Together we will get through this.
Be kind. Be calm. Be safe.
Information updated as of March 17, 2020 at 5:52 p.m.
Anyone looking for non-medical information about COVID-19, including the latest information on travel recommendations, can call or text the provincial government through the hotline at 1-888-268-4319 (1-888-COVID19) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily.
To help ease the burden on HealthLink 8-1-1, the Province has launched an online self-assessment tool to help residents determine if they require further testing for COVID-19. This self-assessment tool can be found at
Information updated as of March 17, 2020 at 12:14 p.m.
District of Oak Bay
News Release
March 17, 2020
Closure of District of Oak Bay Municipal Facilities
Oak Bay, B.C. - In response to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, Municipal facilities will be closed to the public effective immediately. The District has made this decision based on available evidence-based expertise and recommendations from senior levels of government to slow the spread of COVID-19. Mayor Kevin Murdoch stated that “while there is still a low risk to individuals in our region, it’s important for the municipality to act to interrupt the potential spread of this disease. This is intended to prevent the kinds of spikes seen in other jurisdictions like Italy”.
Staff are working to develop processes for alternate provision of Municipal services. Please be advised that our response time may be longer than usual during this transition phase. While some services may be delayed or unavailable, we will work to reduce these service disruptions and provide regular updates as information becomes available.
All closures will be regularly reviewed to minimize the impact on our community members, balanced with the ongoing measures taken to protect public health.
We apologize for any inconveniences that may be experienced during these extraordinary times and appreciate the public’s patience and understanding. If you have questions about services, please contact the appropriate department or facility. Customer service contact information is available on the District’s website at
Please be assured that while the physical buildings may be closed at this time, staff are working diligently to provide necessary services. The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) remains functional and staff are closely monitoring the evolving situation and adjusting the District’s response as necessary.
Oak Bay is following the directions of the Federal and Provincial Governments, Island Health, and other authorities. The District is committed to providing regular updates on the municipal website at and on the District’s official social media accounts.
– 30 –
For media inquiries, please contact:
Information Officer
Emergency Operations Centre
Information updated as of March 16, 2020 at 7:45 p.m.
Please be advised that all Oak Bay Recreation facilities will be closed as of March 17, 2020, except for child care and spring break camps which will continue through March 20, 2020.
This closure applies to:
- Oak Bay Recreation Centre
- Henderson Recreation Centre
- Monterey Centre
- Windsor Pavilion; and
- Neighbourhood Learning Centre.
In addition to the recreation centre facilities, with the noted exceptions, the Oak Bay Archives is also closed until further notice. Closures will be reviewed regularly and updates provided to the public.
We thank all members of the public for their patience and understanding during these extraordinary times. We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
Information updated as of March 16, 2020 at 6:20 p.m.
The interruption to District services remains low, with most facilities remaining open and operational. At this time, the only closure is Oak Bay Archives which closed as of today at 4:30 p.m. until further notice.
As announced by Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, a new order has been issued today prohibiting all public gatherings of more than 50 people. Therefore, we will be cancelling programs and events with 50 or more participants. Additional communications will be forthcoming to update affected individuals.
It is important to recognize that the District is not the lead agency on COVID-19 (coronavirus) and will continue to take direction from the Federal and Provincial governments, Island Health, and other authorities. Staff are working to anticipate and reduce any disruptions to District operations and to ensure timely information updates.
We remain committed to providing regular updates as we continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation.
Oak Bay 2020-03-16 Mayor's COVID-19 Message from Kevin Murdoch on Vimeo.
Information updated as of March 14, 2020 at 2:30 p.m.
There are currently no disruptions to municipal services. All facilities remain open and operational at present. The Province has issued a statement encouraging operations to continue with business as usual with increased attention to common sense practices and measures to support social distancing.
We wish to assure you that the District is monitoring the situation closely and adjusting our response as information changes. At the direction of the Provincial Health Officer we will continue with daily operations while promoting strategies to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
The District of Oak Bay is committed to providing regular updates as new information becomes available.
Information updated as of March 13, 2020 at 8:15 p.m.
District of Oak Bay
News Release
March 13, 2020
The District of Oak Bay Activates Emergency Operations Centre
The District of Oak Bay has activated an EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) at Level 2 with Chief Administrative Officer Lou Varela as the EOC Director. The EOC will be responsible for local emergency preparedness, response coordination, and ensuring continuity of District services.
All forthcoming communications will be directed through the EOC in consultation with District staff and our regional partners.
At this time, the EOC will operate out of the Oak Bay Municipal Hall during regular business hours with a primary focus on maintaining situational awareness and information sharing related to the COVID-19 situation. Activating the EOC provides a mechanism to centralize planning and coordinate communications.
It is important to recognize that the District is not the lead agency on COVID-19 (coronavirus) and will continue to take direction from the Province and Island Health. Staff are working to anticipate and reduce any disruptions to District operations and to ensure timely information updates. We encourage the public to visit the municipal website at as well as our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter.
Residents are reminded to continue practicing preventative measures including:
- hand washing frequently for 20 – 30 seconds with soap and warm water;
- using alcohol-based hand rubs;
- avoiding touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth;
- covering their nose and mouth with disposable tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing;
- regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and personal workspaces;
- maintaining social distancing (1 – 2 metres apart);
- discouraging handshaking;
- remaining at home if they are sick, caring for someone who is ill or, if they have been exposed to a presumptive or confirmed case of COVID-19; and
- avoiding non-essential travel outside of Canada.
For information on COVID-19 (coronavirus), please visit the following sources:
The District of Oak Bay is continuing to monitor the developing COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation and is coordinating with the Province and Island Health and other regional partners. Further updates will be provided as additional information becomes available.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Lou Varela
Chief Administrative Officer
Information updated as of March 12, 2020 at 4:52 p.m.
The District is continuing to follow direction provided by the Province and Island Health. The Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting will proceed as scheduled. The District is mitigating risk of transmission of COVID-19 through the following:
- Implementing recommended social distance within the Council Chambers
- Installing additional hand sanitizing stations in the Municipal Hall
- Posting signage about hand hygiene
- Providing the opportunity to view proceedings via livestream
Further updates will be provided.
Information updated as of March 11, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
The District is monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 in Oak Bay. There are currently no presumptive or confirmed cases in Oak Bay. District operations remain unaffected at this time.
Council meetings will be held as scheduled and the public is permitted to attend in-person, but encouraged to view meeting proceedings online via livestream and provide written comments on Agenda items to Council.
Staff have been directed to continue with:
- frequent hand washing,
- use of alcohol-based hand rubs,
- avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth,
- cover their nose and mouth with disposable tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing,
- regularly cleaning high touch surfaces and personal workspaces,
- maintaining social distancing (1 metre or 3 feet apart),
- discouraging handshaking. and
- remaining at home if they are sick, caring for someone who is ill or, if they have been exposed to a presumptive or confirmed case of COVID-19.
The District will continue to monitor the situation and will take direction from the Province and Island Health as required. Further updates will be provided.
March 6, 2020
The District of Oak Bay is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. While B.C. has confirmed cases of coronavirus, the risk to Canadians continues to be low.
Here are some key reminders from The World Health Organization:
- Wash your hands frequently - Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub,
- Maintain social distancing - Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing,
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth - Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick,
- Practice respiratory hygiene - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
- If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
- When to mask up – You only need to wear a mask if you are coughing, sneezing or taking care of someone with COVID-19. Masks are only effective when used with frequent handwashing.
In addition to the usual cold and flu season response, the District is taking the following actions:
- Arranging for more frequent cleans of high touch points,
- Installing additional hand sanitizer units,
- Encouraging staff to regularly wipe down personal workspaces,
- Discouraging handshaking.
For up-to-date information and answers to your questions about novel coronavirus (COVID-19), consult trusted, evidence-based sources, including:
BC Centre for Disease Control
- About the virus, masks and prevention
- Self-isolation and testing
- For schools and childcare
- The BCCDC on Twitter - @CDCofBC
Government of Canada
World Health Organization
Island Health
Coronavirus information lines
- Novel coronavirus information: 1-833-784-4397
- Health information 8-1-1