Parks & Recreation

Uplands Park


2900 Block of Beach Drive

Park Category:

Undeveloped, Natural Area


This undeveloped natural area (30.635 hectares) bounded by residences, suburban streets, and the ocean on its eastern boundary provides an excellent example of Garry Oak meadow and associated ecosystems. The park has one of the greatest concentrations of rare plant species in all of Canada. The park has well-used informal trails, boat launch ramps, a manicured area with a War Memorial, a scenic waterfront drive and parking area, benches and picnic tables.

Uplands Park is valued as a beautiful natural area providing enjoyment of magnificent water views in unique natural surroundings, where remnants of the original Garry Oak meadow ecosystem flourish and evolve, which provide opportunities for outdoor experiences that foster enjoyment, appreciation, and respect for the environment. The park’s natural attributes create educational opportunities for learning about its natural landscape, plants, animals, and history.

Also visit: Friends of Uplands Park

The Central Meadow in Uplands Park is closed for winter months.

Uplands Park Ecosystem Restoration

Uplands Park is home to one of the finest examples of Garry Oak woodlands and meadows in our region and contains one of the highest concentrations of endangered species in Canada. The biggest threat to this ecosystem is from invasive plants. In response, Oak Bay Parks is working with federal and community partners on a multi-year project to restore and protect this precious piece of biodiversity.

We are currently removing invasive exotic species of trees from the Garry Oak woodlands in this section of the park. If left unchecked, these exotic species of trees will continue to spread and outcompete our native trees and eventually destroy the natural habitat by converting the park’s flower meadows to closed woodlands of exotic species.

If you have any questions, please contact the Oak Bay Parks Department at 250-592-7275.


  • Beach Access
  • Benches
  • Boat Ramp
  • Monument / Cairn
  • Park Signage
  • Parking
  • Scenic Views
  • Trails Walkway

Dog Information:

Dogs are allowed off leash during January to March, and July to December. Dogs must be under full control (on leash) from April to June.

For the Cattle Point area, in accordance with Section 5 of the Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations, dogs and cats are not permitted to run at large at any time – they must be under the continuous and effective control of their owners at all times. This will typically be on-leash but could also mean held in the owner’s arms. 


With the exception of personal assistance devices, wheeled apparatuses are allowed only on paved roadways and sidewalks in the park.