
Pool Hours

Subject to change. Please check schedules below:

Aquatics Drop-in Schedule (Jan 13-Mar 14)

Spring Break Schedule (March 15-30)

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Please note that the Aquafit Shallow Water Drop-in Class from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, October 6 has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. All other drop-in classes are as scheduled.

Click below to view description regarding our swim lesson levels.

Swim Session Descriptions

50 & Better Swim

A time for swimmers aged 50 & up, to enjoy length swimming, leisure space, 50+ swimming lessons and drop-in aquafit classes. Adults under the age of 50 are welcome to share the sauna, steam room and hot tub.

Adult Length Swim

An evening adult-only length swim with lane and leisure space available to adults aged 16 & up.

Early Bird Swim

Early morning length swimming, leisure space and drop-in aquafit classes seven days a week for a special rate. Families are welcome to enjoy the small pool and children 12 years or younger may swim lengths when accompanied by an adult.

Everyone Welcome Swim 

Featuring two waterslides, inflatable toys, rope swings, games and more. Swimmers of all ages are welcome. Length swimming space is not available. Drop-in Deep Water aquafit classes share the pool on Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30- 7:30pm.

Integrated Swim

Swimmers with disabilities are welcome to enjoy the pool free of charge. Free admission includes one person with a disability and up to two family members or friends. The pool offers an on-deck lift and specialized changing facilities. Length swimming, leisure space and the Blue Slidewinder will be available. 

Please Note: During this swim, the entire pool area is open and accessible to meet the needs of integrated swim participants, and all changeroom spaces are prioritized for integrated swim participants and their changing needs until 1:30 p.m.

Kids Fun Swim

An action-packed swim for kids and families featuring theme days, two waterslides, inflatable toys, rope swings, games, and prizes. Swimmers of all ages are welcome. Length swimming space is not available

Leisure and Lengths  

Offers length swimming, leisure space and drop-in aquafit classes. Families are welcome to enjoy the small pool and children 12 years or younger may swim lengths when accompanied by an adult. 

Leisure and Widths

Width swimming is available in the main pool while aquafit takes place in the shallow end. Families are welcome to enjoy the small pool and children 12 years or younger may swim lengths when accompanied by an adult.

Masters Swim

A supervised drop-in swimming workout for swimmers of all ages.

Parent and Tot Swim

A quiet time in the small pool for parents & children under the age of 7. The main pool is unavailable during this swim.

School Swim

A time for local schools to enjoy the pool. The pools, sauna and steam room are not available to the public during this time. For rental inquiries call 250-370-7108.

Swim Lessons

Lessons are offered for all ages and abilities. The sauna and steam room are available to the public during swim lessons, but all pools, including the hot tub, are closed.

Aquafit Descriptions

Recreation Oak Bay is proud to offer a wide variety of Aquafit classes. All classes, except Water Works, are available for drop in.

50 & Better Aquafit

A mild to moderate workout designed for those aged 50 and better. Work on strength, flexibility, and range of motion while increasing your cardio stamina.

Deep Water Aquafit

Work on core stability while getting an excellent cardio and strength workout. This class uses weight belts, foam dumb bells, and noodles for a no–impact, high energy workout. This class is a moderate to intense level. Comfort in deep water is required.

Shallow Water Aquafit

Get moving with 60 minutes of moderate to high energy aquatic exercises. Noodles, foam dumb bells and other equipment may be used to improve cardio strength, flexibility, and stamina.

Water Works

This class is ideal for anyone suffering from joint pain. The gentle exercise will work your muscles, increase your range of motion, and ease your pain. Classes begin in chest-deep water in the main pool and wind up in the warm pool. This class is a registered program.

Registration notes:

  • These are registered courses that run weekly for a certain number of weeks. There is no single admission option.

  • Registration will be ongoing until a class is full. Late registrants are welcome and will receive a pro-rated registration rate.

  • Aquafit classes can be booked through Reception and online.

  • Cancellation Policy: For courses that are four (4) classes or more, credits/refunds must be requested before the second class. After the second class, credits/refunds are granted only for cases of illness supported by a doctor’s note. (Other compassionate reasons may be considered.)

Becoming a Swim Instructor

BRONZE STAR (Optional course) (Prerequisite: 8-12 years old)

Bronze Star is an introductory pre-Bronze Medallion training program that helps to prepare candidates for success in Bronze Medallion. The Lifesaving Society’s Bronze Star develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates refine their stroke mechanics, acquire self-rescue skills, and apply fitness principles in training workouts.

BRONZE MEDALLION (Prerequisite: 13+ years old OR Bronze Star)

Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn advanced lifesaving techniques for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims in varying water depths. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 12 minutes.

BRONZE CROSS (Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion)

The Lifesaving Society’s BC begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. BC emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. BC is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society’s National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 11 minutes.

SWIM INSTRUCTOR (Prerequisite: 15+ years old, Bronze Cross (need not be current))

The Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Instructor certification prepares candidates to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. This course includes both classroom and pool time and a minimum of 8 hours of required teaching experience.

Becoming a Lifeguard

BRONZE STAR (Optional course) (Prerequisite: 8-12 years old)

Bronze Star is an introductory pre-Bronze Medallion training program that helps to prepare candidates for success in Bronze Medallion. The Lifesaving Society’s Bronze Star develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates refine their stroke mechanics, acquire self-rescue skills, and apply fitness principles in training workouts.

BRONZE MEDALLION (Prerequisite: 13+ years old OR Bronze Star)

Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn advanced lifesaving techniques for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims in varying water depths. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 12 minutes.

BRONZE CROSS (Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion)

The Lifesaving Society’s BC begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. BC emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. BC is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society’s National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 11 minutes.

STANDARD FIRST AID & CPR-C (Prerequisite: 13+ years old)

Provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid, CPR and AED use! Whether you need training for employment or simply want to be prepared to respond to life-threatening emergencies, this course will give you the skills and knowledge to act with confidence.

NATIONAL LIFEGUARD (Prerequisite: 15+ years old, Bronze Cross, and Standard First Aid)

The primary role of a lifeguard is to prevent incidents and, where this fails, the timely and effective resolution of emergencies. National Lifeguard builds on the previously learned lifesaving principles and is designed to prepare candidates to be professional facilitators of safety in aquatic environments. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 10 minutes.

Preschool Lessons

Parent and Tot (4 months-3 years)

Splish Splashers (4–12 months)

  • An introductory class for you and your baby. The goals of this class are buoyancy and movement, proper support, and enjoyment of the water. Underwater skills are demonstrated and tried if comfortable.

Bubble Blowers (1–2 years)

  • This class is for you and your toddler. You will cover proper support positions, buoyancy and movement, and floats and glides. The emphasis will be on enjoyment in the water. 

Tiny Turtles (2–3 years)

  • This class is for your toddler to get used to swimming on their own with their instructor. The goal of this level is to try new skills including basic floats, glides, and kicking with buoyant objects. 

Preschool (3-6 years)


  • This is the first swimming level for preschoolers. Children learn to safely enter & exit the pool, blow bubbles, submerge, and kick with kickboards. Assisted front & back floats are introduced. 


  • Children learn to float on their own for the first time. This level will introduce gliding and breath control under water. Children will learn to do front glides on their own.


  • Your child will build upon their skills and learn to glide while kicking. There is an introduction to big arms and a 3m distance swim. Your child will be introduced to swimming in deep water (assisted).


  • Children learn how to swim independently in the big pool. The class will learn side glides and be introduced to front crawl and treading water. Children will also explore deep water activities. There is a 7m distance swim.


  • This level will challenge your preschooler with 10m of front swim and 15m of back swim. Your child will develop their back crawl and be introduced to diving and whip kick.


  • Your child will work on 15m of front swim and perform 25m of back swim. Children will be introduced to dolphin kick and boating safety and continue to develop their dives and whip kick. 

School Age

Descriptions (Ages 6-12)

Oak Bay Swim Intro

This class is for your school aged child who is new to swimming. The goal of this class is developing comfort, buoyancy, and movement in the water. Floats, glides, and underwater skills will be introduced. 

Level 1

Let’s get swimming! This level introduces your child to the many types of floats, glides, and swimming on your front and back. Deep water activities with PFDs and underwater skills will also be explored. 

Level 2 

This level will help your child build skills in front & back crawl. Deep water activities, treading water, and whip kick will be introduced. Endurance will be developed through games and other fun activities.  

Level 3 

Let’s dive in! Underwater orientation will be explored through dives, jumps, and somersaults. Roll-over glides and whip kick skills will be practiced. 15m endurance will be developed through games and challenges.

Level 4 

Let’s dive in! Underwater orientation will be explored through dives, jumps, and somersaults. Roll-over glides and whip kick skills will be practiced. 15m endurance will be developed through games and challenges. 

Level 5 

This level will introduce eggbeater and breaststroke and increase strength treading water. Swimmers will also learn how to stay safe in, on, and around water with PFD's and HELP Huddle training. Level 5 has a 50m endurance challenge. 

Level 6 

Breaststroke and elementary backstroke will continue to be refined. Dolphin kick, scissor kick, and deep-water object recovery techniques are introduced. 100m endurance will be developed through games and front and back crawl challenges.

Level 7

Technique will be progressed for front and back crawl. New entries will be practiced including stride entries and dives. 200m endurance will be built by challenging personal bests. 

Level 8 

Practice and fitness will be the focus of this level, improving front and back crawl, as well as breaststroke and elementary backstroke. Your child will learn about ice safety and hypothermia. 300m endurance will be built through fitness challenges.

Level 9

Technique is perfected for front and back crawl, as well as breaststroke and elementary backstroke. Shallow dives and other entries will be mastered. 400m endurance will be built to prepare for your next steps in swimming, fitness, or lifeguarding!

Adult and Teen Swim Lessons

Adult Beginner

It's never too late to learn to swim! This class will help you develop or increase your comfort in the water and give you the skills you need to stay safe. This course includes a free practice pass for the duration of the course. Prerequisite: No previous swimming experience required.

Adult Intermediate

This class will help you increase your swimming skills and the distance you can swim. You will be introduced to dives, front crawl, and back crawl. This course includes a free practice pass for the duration of the course. Prerequisite: Comfortable floating on the water & ability to swim 15m continuously.

Adult Advanced

This class will help you develop or improve your stroke techniques as well as increase the distance that you can swim. You will decide which strokes you want to work on and then receive the instruction and feedback you need to achieve your goals. This course includes a free practice pass for the duration of the course. Pre-requisite: The ability to swim front crawl and back crawl continuously for 25m and is comfortable swimming in deep water.

Private Swim Lessons

Private swimming Lessons are currently available for registration.

Private lessons can be booked online or through Reception at 250-370-7106tel:250-370-7106.

Private Lessons are 30-minute sessions, and these lessons are programmed to match the dates of the group lessons.

Cancellation Policy:

To cancel a private lesson, please call Reception at 250-370-7106. Morning lessons must be cancelled by 6:00pm the night before. Afternoon and evening lessons must be cancelled by 9:00am the day of the lesson, or you will be charged for the lesson.

All lessons must be paid in full at the time of booking. 

Sports View Party

Swim & Pizza Party - $182

This party includes pizza with jugs of pop at the table in the Sports View lounge for one hour, and time in the pool. Choice of pizza and pop are made at the time of booking. Book online or call Reception at 250-595-7946. 

For party requests outside of these hours please call 250-370-7112. 

  • Offered on Saturday and Sunday at 12:30pm or 2:30pm, subject to availability.

  • Up to a maximum of 10 children.

  • The booking adult must always be present at the party. 

  • Parties are available for booking one month in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the temperature of your pools?

Big pool: 83°F

Small pool: 94°F

Hot tub: 104°F

How long is your pool?

The big pool is 25m long.

Is the pool chlorinated?

Our pool is treated with ultraviolet light (UV), but does use a small amount of chlorine to treat any residual bacteria.

How tall does someone have to be to be able to ride the waterslides?

You must be at least 48 inches (4 feet) tall to ride the waterslides.

Can I use the hot tub?

Yes, the hot tub is available during all our swimming sessions with a regular admission except for during lesson times when there is no lifeguard on duty.

Can I use the sauna/steam room?

Yes, the sauna/steam room is available during all our swimming sessions with a regular admission.

Can I use the change room/hairdryer?

Yes, both the pool and fitness changerooms are equipped with hairdryers.

Do you sell goggles?

Yes, we sell a variety of goggles through Reception at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre. Stop by the front desk for styles and prices.

Do you sell swimsuits?

Yes, we sell a variety of adult and child swimsuits through Reception at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre. Stop by the front desk for styles and prices.