Small-scale multi-unit housing is ground-oriented housing typically built at a scale of single detached and duplex housing and could include secondary suites, garden suites, laneway homes, townhomes, triplexes and house-plexes.
On June 24, 2024, Oak Bay Council adopted bylaw amendments to create the Infill Housing Program and respond to the Provincial Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation.

- Infill Housing Brochure: provides an high level overview of the key changes
- Residential Infill One-Page Zone Summaries: are reference documents that highlight the key changes to the Residential Zones to permit and incentivize infill
- Reference Map SSMUH Maximum Densities: shows the maximum densities for infill
- Infill Housing Program FAQ: answers frequently asked questions
- Zoning Bylaw includes the consolidated changes from the amendment bylaw
Parking Facilities Bylaw includes the consolidated changes from the amendment bylaw
The Infill Housing Program Bylaw Updates are the first steps in the wider Oak Bay Housing Action Program (HAP). The District’s HAP combines Council Priority Projects and the Provincial Housing mandates and share the same goal of increasing housing supply, creating more diverse housing choice over time, and contributing to more affordable housing. Sign up for project updates on the Housing Action Program page to stay informed about key project milestones and engagement activities.