One of Council’s key priorities for the 2022-2026 term is housing and to enable the creation of more diverse and affordable housing that is responsive to current and future community, regional needs, and climate change imperatives.
The municipality operates under the provisions of the Province of British Columbia Local Government Act, which sets out all powers, duties and functions for municipal governance across the Province.
In November 2023, the Province introduced a range of new legislation to implement the Homes for People Plan. These changes articulate very specific solutions to help create new housing options. The recently announced Provincial initiatives now requires the District to pivot and reprioritize projects to ensure legal compliance, and implementation of the Provincial legislation.

District Housing Action Program (2024-2028)
The District’s Housing Action Program combines Council Priority Projects (CPP) related to housing and while also responding to the Provincial housing initiatives, which have become the District’s top priorities for the next 2 years.
The District’s Housing Action Program projects that are underway, and upcoming, are summarized below:
Housing Supply Act and Response to the Housing Target Order (2023-2028)
Gives the Province the authority to set housing targets in municipalities, starting with those that are experiencing the greatest housing pressures. The District of Oak Bay target order is for a minimum of 664 net new housing units to be completed within 5 years. Housing targets will be measured after the first six months (March 31, 2024), then annually (September 30) by net new units completed and actions taken by the municipality to meet targets.
Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw and Amenity Cost Charge (ACC) Bylaw (2024/2027)
Development of ACC and DCC programs to incorporate Provincial changes introduced through legislation is underway. These programs will assist in funding the costs of infrastructure and amenities to support increased housing supply and growth.
Housing Needs Report (HNR) (2024)
The Province is requiring the District to complete an interim HNR by January 1, 2025. Proposed changes to the Housing Needs Report include using a standard method for a more consistent, robust understanding of both local housing needs currently needed and over the next 20 years.
Official Community Plan (OCP) Review (2024-2025)
The Province is requiring the District to have an updated OCP by December 31, 2025. Proposed changes for OCPs require an update every five years, with early and ongoing public engagement to plan for homes and growth over 20 years.
Zoning Bylaw Review (2024-2025)
In tandem with the updated OCP, the Province is also requiring that the District’s Zoning Bylaw be updated to accommodate the planned 20 year housing supply. These changes are required to be in place by December 31, 2025.
Optimize Development Processes (2024-2028)
This project will review and provide recommendations for streamlining, enhancing, and modernizing department processes and systems. It will support the implementation of resulting recommendations, best practices, Information Technology and innovative approaches to improve development approvals processes. In May 2023, the District was informed that the 2024 Local Government Development Approvals Program (LGDAP) application was successful and was awarded $105,000.
Completed Housing Projects
- Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Interim Zoning Updates (June 2024): The Province required municipalities to update Zoning Bylaws to permit a minimum of three to six dwelling units in areas zoned for single family dwelling units. On June 24, 2024 Oak Bay Council adopted bylaw amendments to create the Infill Housing Program and respond to the SSMUH Legislation. Find more information on the District’s Infill Housing Program.
- Secondary Suite Program (2022): Secondary suites are now permitted in all one-family residential (R) zones. A secondary suite must be located within a principal building that is used for residential purposes and a building permit must be obtained. Secondary suites help offset the cost of a mortgage, helps keep family close and can provide additional rental housing options in the community. More information on adding a secondary suite to a single-family dwelling.
- Infill Housing Strategy (2022): identifies how infill housing could work in different Oak Bay neighbourhoods to create more diverse housing opportunities within the community. Community input to date has demonstrated strong support for expanding housing options.
- Housing Needs Report (2020): provides data on the community’s demographics, current housing supply, and projected needs for the future.
Funding Acknowledgement
The District of Oak Bay gratefully acknowledges the support of the Province of British Columbia’s Growing Communities Fund and Capacity Funding for Local Government Housing Initiatives, which is enabling a significant capacity increase to advance the municipality’s ambitious Housing Action Program.