Depending on the location of the property and type of development, a Development Application may be required.
Follow your application
Visit the District’s Development Application Tracker, which provides information on current development applications in Oak Bay.

Development Application
Depending on the location of the property and type of development, a Development Application may be required.
Download the Development Application Form for the following:
- Official Community Plan Amendment
- Zoning Bylaw Amendment
- Land Use Contract Amendment / Discharge
- Heritage Revitalization Permit
- Heritage Alteration Permit
- Development Permit
- Development Variance Permit
- Uplands Siting and Design
- Covenant Amendment
- Board of Variance
Forms and Resources
- Agent Authorization Form
- Community Amenity Contribution Council Policy
- Demolition Waste Brochure
- Subdivision Approval Procedure Form for subdivision applications.
- Uplands Design Guidelines Form
- Advisory Design Panel Materials and Colours Checklist
- Required for Uplands Siting and Design Review Application
Community Heritage Register
Want to add your home to the Community Heritage Register? Please complete the application form and submit to the Oak Bay Building and Planning Department.