Community & Culture


The Heritage Commission combines the former Heritage Committee and Heritage Advisory Panel into one entity.

The Commission is mandated to promote public awareness of heritage conservation, including the architectural and cultural history of Oak Bay, providing research and inventories of real property of heritage significance, making recommendations to Council on the content of a heritage registry. Learn more about the Heritage Commission on our committees page.

Contact Heritage

For information regarding Heritage Designation, Heritage Register, Heritage Restoration Grants:

Oak Bay Heritage Commission

For information on Heritage in Oak Bay, please refer to the following pages:

Heritage Foundation

The Oak Bay Heritage Foundation was established in 1992, and is separately incorporated under the Society Act. One of its purposes is to provide cost-sharing grants to owners of designated and registered properties to assist with preservation, maintenance or restoration. The Foundation also promotes education and awareness of heritage in Oak Bay; this is done through the annual fall lecture series and other events or workshops that may be sponsored throughout the year.

In addition, the Foundation provides fine bronze Century House plaques at reasonable cost to ownders of Oak Bay ‘century’ homes, one hundred or more years old. Volunteers to work on sub-committees are always welcome.