Mount Baker Court, located on the corner of Newport Avenue and Currie Road, is a two-storey, plus crawlspace, Tudor Revival style apartment building, clad in roughcast stucco with applied wooden strapwork. A landmark in the area, this block overlooks Windsor Park and the Oak Bay Rose Garden.
Heritage Value
Built in 1926, this inter-war apartment building is important as a illustration of the high-quality design and workmanship thought appropriate for a small apartment building at this time. Of note is the tiled entrance porch, ‘Mount Baker Court’ in stained glass in the transom, stained-glass side-lights at the front door, classical columns, and the strapwork on the exterior. It is a valued landmark in the Windsor Park neighbourhood.
The heritage value of Mount Baker Court is its association with its owner/designer, Henry E. Munday, who was well-known in the area proprietor of Munday’s – the ‘British Boot Shop’ at 1203 Douglas Street in Victoria. Munday had operated a construction company, working on such buildings as the Legislature and Work Point Barracks; but when this business failed, during the economic downturn of the late 1890s, he turned to the retail business. His interest in building is evident in the quality of Mount Baker Court, and his interest in footwear is seen in the boot-scrapers – rarely seen in Oak Bay – which flank the front entrance.
Mount Baker Court is significant as an indicator of the changing demographics in the area during the 1920s. Windsor Park, which had been heavily promoted by the British Columbia Electric Railway Company, had been purchased by the Municipality, in 1922, as a civic amenity; the Municipality modified its property tax assessment system in 1924, resulting in a building boom; and the transportation system was expanded. As a result Mount Baker Court became a desirable place to live. The building is an important component of the Windsor Park heritage cluster, illustrating the growth of what is one of the most recognizable areas in Oak Bay. The irregularly shaped park, built in 1896 by the BC Electric Railway Company, was considered the finest athletic grounds on the Pacific Coast, featuring professional baseball, a cycling track and grandstands for 2,000 people. It continues to be a popular venue for cricket, tennis and rugby and the starting point for one of the most important events in the local calendar – the Oak Bay Tea Party Parade. The English ambience of the area is further promoted by the Oak Bay Rose Garden, created in 1937
Character Defining Elements
- proximity to the sidewalk
- corner location, opposite the Oak Bay Rose Garden in Windsor Park
- form, scale and massing
- flat roof with continuous and variable-height parapets
- wood frame construction, concrete block foundation
- style details such as roughcast stucco with wooden strapwork
- exterior architectural elements such as: eight internal chimneys with brick chimney stacks; central porch with original tiles, woodwork, and stained glass;
- fenestration, and window types such as: single- and multi-assembly double-hung sashes, stained-glass transom and side lights at the principal entrance
- interior features such as: independent cast iron mailbox slots at entrance; skylights in second floor hall; original woodwork; original fireplaces; original icebox vents (two per unit, visible on exterior)