1150 Monterey is a 1 1/2 storey, wood frame, Craftsman-style home, with a full basement. It has a wide front veranda, a side-gabled roof with two connected dormers, and is set in a mature garden in the South Oak Bay/ Windsor neighbourhood.
Heritage Value
1150 Monterey is valued as an integral part of the development that occurred in Oak Bay after the Municipaly’s incorporation in 1906. Many homes were built in this neighbourhood from 1906-1914, and 1150 Monterey Avenue, built in 1913, is typical of the well-built contractor/builder homes popular during that period.
These homes established the appearance and character of the neighbourhood, which survives into the 21st century.The house represents the fashionable use of wood in residential construction styles that were popular in the early days of the municipality. The building lot has both a side lane and rear lane, allowing automobile access and garage to be built off the rear lane, leaving the front garden free of driveways.
Character Defining Elements
- essentially square massing
- side gable roof with two connected gable dormers on the front façade, and one large central dormer on rear facade
- prominent front porch supported by four tapered wood columns set on granite porch pillars
- granite porch columns and granite sidewall attached to wooden stairs.
- original exterior finishing, including shingle cladding; wide trim boards; double hung windows with smaller panes in top sash; wooden porch ceiling; exposed rafter ends; heavy porch railings
- dining room bay window on south wall supported by heavy brackets
- two exterior brick chimneys on gable ends
- original interior finishes throughout main floor room (Hall; Living room; dining room; Den) includes original, but painted wood trim on window and doors with 'peaked' top rails; paneled fir wainscoting in all rooms; beamed ceilings in main rooms; built in sideboard in DR; two fireplaces with original tile (Jade green 2X6 in LR; 3X6 white in Den)
Identifying Names
- Carter House, Alfred W. Carter House