Community & Culture

1265 Roslyn Road

The Robin Oak property consists of a two and one-half storey English Arts and Crafts bungalow and garage located on upper Roslyn Road close to the Oak Bay Village.

Heritage Value

Robin Oak is important to the community for its association with the Island Investment Company Ltd. Built in 1911, it is one of the earliest rent-to-own houses designed and built by this company as part of their housing developments in Oak Bay. Robin Oak is valued as part of the urban development of the neighbourhood and is within close proximity to other Company built homes. The significance of the site on upper Roslyn Road – with access via the Brighton walkway to the Oak Bay Village and transit lines – is linked to the progression of Victoria’s suburban development.

The architectural value of Robin Oak lies in its unique bungalow design. This house, part of the speculative development that characterized the pre-war building boom typifies the quality housing then available to the middle class. The house is simple in plan, but individualized by its open verandahs. The decorative English Arts and Crafts exterior with Edwardian and Craftsman interior detailing lend importance to this building’s distinctive architecture.

Robin Oak is also important to the community as the home of the Tunnard family. A.C. Tunnard was manager of the Royal Theatre in downtown Victoria.

Character Defining Elements

Identifying Names