The Tapley property consists of a one-storey Craftsman style bungalow and garage in the South Oak Bay neighborhood.
Heritage Value
The Tapley House, built in 1913, is important as part of the architectural and development history of Oak Bay. It is significant as a well-preserved example of a modest Craftsman style bungalow built during the pre war-building boom of 1912-14. Also important is the association with the builder and owner, Captain Walter Edward Tapley. The house is unique for its quality construction, Arts and Crafts design detail, and floor plan accommodating a home office, from which Tapley ran a flourishing construction business.
This relatively small house illustrates the importance of social status to the middle class Edwardian gentleman of “good breeding,” but modest means. The value placed on fashionable design, high quality construction, interior detail and upscale neighbourhood demonstrates prevailing aesthetic attitudes.
The significance of the site on upper [west] Central Avenue, on a major transportation route and within walking distance of the Fairfield streetcar line is linked to the progression of urban development within Oak Bay prior to the automobile age.
Character Defining Elements
- Close proximity of the house and garage to Central Avenue.
- Exterior Craftsman bungalow elements typified by board and batten siding, casement windows, notched barge boards and sloped masonry foundation.
- Extent and good condition of the authentic (historic) wood finishes dating from Tapley’s construction.
- Heavy, low-pitched roof line.
- Wide covered front verandah with sloped pillars.
- Small scale of the single storey elevation with small closed entrance hall.
- Floor plan with open connected reception rooms.
- Fireplace and hearth (only original source of heat)
- Interior use of board and batten, fir paneling, and beams.
- Built-in buffet and bookshelves with leaded glass and original hardware.
- Leaded casement windows.
- Original location of the garage.
Identifying Names:
- Tapley House, The Walter Edward Tapley House
The Tapley house garage was recently renovated with an appreciation for its original character and with support from an Oak Bay Heritage.