Community & Culture

825 Foul Bay Road

825 Foul Bay Road is a large 2 1/2 storey house set on a low terrace in a large garden, in the Foul Bay Road spine of historic houses. The symmetrical façade is clad in granite on the main floor with shingles above. It has a hipped roof with two chimneys.

The 1912 Emily Carr cottage is situated in the rear garden. Built in 1912 and moved from its original location at 494 Victoria Avenue in 1992.

Heritage Value

825 Foul Bay Road is valued as an example of architect Samuel Maclure’s inventive residential designs. This 6,000 square foot home was built for William Kiirkbride, the president of Pacific Coast Construction Company Ltd. Although the exterior presents a restrained, symmetrical façade, the interior features a great sweeping room from one side to the other, dominated by buttressed wood columns and a massive brick inglenook fireplace. Rooms flanking the entrance retain original tiled fireplaces and leaded glass windows.

As one of the many great houses built on Foul Bay Road, this home is important as a major architectural element within the neighbourhood.

The house is also valued as a reflection of the social history of early 20th century Victoria, and as an example of a home affordable to the wealthy businessmen of this period.

The placement of the house on a low terrace, enclosed by stone walls and box hedges, literally and figuratively lifts the Maclure design beyond the ordinary. Although subdivided, the still large garden provides an appropriate setting.

The Emily Carr cottage in the rear garden was built in 1912 and moved to its present location from 494 Victoria Avenue in 1992. In response to the issuance of a demolition permit the present owners, Roger and Theresa Tallentire spearheaded the moving and preservation of this historic building to its current site. It holds immense heritage value in its association with Carr, a Victoria native and Canada’s most celebrated woman artist and author. While no longer on its original location, the retention if this modest structure is important as a piece of documentation related to Carr’s life. Although not mentioned in her writings, municipal documentation proves her ownership.

Character Defining Elements

Key elements that define the character of the Emily Carr Cottage:

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