Council & Administration

Request for Records

Routinely Available Documents

Information that can be accessed online or through municipal departments may not need a formal requisition. This can include records like Council and Committee minutes, annual reports and bylaws.

Formal Requests for Records

For records that are not routinely available, FOIPPA provides that members of the public can submit a formal request for access to certain records.

You may submit a request in writing, or use the Request for Access to Records. The Act provides that a response must be provided within 30 business days, unless extensions are granted.

Points to remember

  • Make your request clear, specific and concise to reduce processing times and possible fees.
  • Indicate the date range for the records you are seeking
  • Specify whether you would like to receive the records by email, regular mail or pick- up.

Submit your request

Requests can be sent to Corporate Services by email, fax, regular mail, or hand delivered.


FOIPPA provides under Section 75 that the District may charge fees for the cost of providing records. Commercial applicants must pay the actual cost of providing the service. The charge for non-commercial applicants is $7.50 per quarter of an hour after the first three hours for locating, retrieving and preparing records for disclosure. Additional fees such as photocopying and shipping also apply.

If there are costs involved in processing a formal request, we will send you a fee estimate before processing your request. Applicants are encouraged to maintain open communication with District staff in order to understand the application of the fee schedule.

For a list of fees and charges, please refer to Schedule 1 of the Act.

Does my request require an FOI?

Please review the District’s Release Reference Tool to determine what information is available to you without an FOI request.