Council & Administration

Meetings & Minutes

Visit the District’s CivicWeb Portal to view all Agendas, Minutes, see upcoming meetings and watch the livestream.

Regular Meetings Dates and Times

Council meetings are generally held in our Council Chambers at Oak Bay Municipal Hall (2167 Oak Bay Avenue) on the second and fourth Monday of the month; Committee of the Whole also meets in Council Chambers,  typically on the third Monday.  Our schedule does change in September, October, and December, so please check the meeting schedule below for specific dates during these months. No regular meetings are scheduled during August, or during the month of a General Local Election.

Most meetings start at 7:00 PM for regular business; however meeting times may change – visit our CivicWeb Portal to view Council meeting dates and start times. In the event that an In Camera session is required, the Council meeting will commence at 6:00 PM with a motion to adjourn to In Camera taking place immediately. The regular Council meeting will then reconvene at 7:00 PM. Although you are welcome to join us for the In Camera motion, members of the public will be asked to leave the chambers during In Camera deliberations.

In Camera Sessions

Council is only authorized to hold In Camera meetings under the circumstances set out in Section 90 of the Community Charter. These meetings are closed to the public and meetings are held to discuss and make decisions on matters pertaining to personnel, land, labour or employee negotiations, law enforcement, litigation or potential litigation and information that is prohibited from disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protective of Privacy Act.  In Camera Sessions generally commence at 6:00 PM, in advance of regular Council meetings.

Committee of the Whole

When sitting as Committee of the Whole, members of Council are seated in a round-table set up for a less formal setting. These meetings provide a forum in which Council receives presentations from applicants and staff on items requiring more in-depth explanation, discussion and Council feedback. Most meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers, but please check the schedule below for specific dates.

Other Meetings of Council

Special Council meetings and Public Hearings are called by Council on an as needed basis. Agendas for these meetings are posted online and on our meeting boards in accordance with the Procedure Bylaw and the Community Charter.

Posting of Agendas

Regular Council and Committee of the Whole agendas are posted Wednesday afternoon immediately preceding the scheduled meeting. In the event of a statutory holiday, requiring a meeting to be hand on a Tuesday, agendas are posted on the immediately pre-ceeding Thursday.