Council & Administration

Information for Voters

Are you planning to vote by mail?

Mail ballot applications are now being accepted – please complete the application form and return it by email to or mail/drop-off to Municipal Hall at 2167 Oak Bay Avenue.

Curbside Voting

If you can make it to the Voting Place but are unable to enter because of physical disability or impaired mobility please have someone come into the Voting Place and ask for “curbside voting”.

Election Officials will bring a ballot to you in your vehicle in the parking lot, wait while you mark the ballot and, on your behalf, deposit the ballot into the vote counting unit in the Voting Place.

Who's Running for Council?

The District of Oak Bay must remain a neutral party during elections, therefore, to find out more information about candidates for Oak Bay Council (and all municipalities in BC) please go to the CivicInfo BC Elections website. The website includes contact information authorized for release by candidates, including Oak Bay Council candidates.


Contact the Chief or Deputy Chief Election Officer

Helpful Information

Oak Bay uses the provincial voters list in our local elections, so if you have recently voted in a provincial or federal election, you are likely already on the list.

To check if your name is on the list, call 250-598-3311 or visit Municipal Hall. If your name is not on the list but you are eligible to vote, you will still be able to register – either in person on voting day or with your mail ballot.

You are eligible to vote for the Oak Bay Mayor and Council, and up to 9 Trustees for the Greater Victoria School District if you live or own property in the District of Oak Bay and you:

  • Are a Canadian resident
  • Are at least 18 on the day you vote
  • Have lived in British Columbia for at least six months on the day you vote

Are not otherwise disqualified by any law from voting in the October 15 election

If you own property in the District of Oak Bay but do not live here, you may vote as a Non-Resident Property Elector if you:

  • Are eligible to vote in another local government in British Columbia (see above)
  • Have owned property in the District of Oak Bay for at least 30 days on the day you register to vote in Oak Bay

Have the written consent of the majority of the other owners of the property (if applicable)

Under the Local Government Act, the Voters List is available to public inspection. Anyone wishing to see the list must sign a sworn statement that you will not use it for any purpose that is not related to the October 15 local government election.

The list must be viewed at Municipal Hall in the presence of an Election Official and may not be copied, photographed or scanned. The only people allowed to have a copy of the Voters List will be official candidates after the nomination period. This is to protect the privacy of everyone on the Voters List.

If you do not want your personal information on the Voters List, you can fill out a Request to Omit Personal Information Form and we will redact identifying information such as your address.