Council & Administration

Public Engagement

There are many ways you can get involved and play a role at Municipal Hall. From attending meetings of Council and serving on advisory bodies to sharing your thoughts and feedback with us through surveys, social media channels, and by email. 

We want to hear from you and want to ensure you have every opportunity to participate in what is happening in the District.

Contact Us

Have questions on public engagement? Reach out to Oak Bay Communications.

Get Involved

Attend a Council Meeting

In-person or virtually through Oak Bay CivicWeb

Write to Oak Bay Council

Share correspondance with Mayor and Council.

Visit Connect Oak Bay

Sign up for newsletters and take part in engagement opportunities.

Follow us on Social Media

Serve on an Advisory Body to Council

Learn more about advisory bodies to Council on our Committees page.

Requests for Service

Streetlight out? Parking issue? Question about Animal Control? The Request for Service form allows you to make a suggestion or request for Service to the District of Oak Bay. If you wish to be contacted about this issue, please be sure to fill in the Contact Information section of the form.