Special Events

Special Event Application Form
The District of Oak Bay welcomes special events using public spaces that benefit our community. Proposed special events generally require community social and economic benefits that are well organized and appropriately supported from the planning stages through to leaving the site in the same condition it was found prior to use. Please remember to include both a start and end time for your request, as well as set up and clean up time.
How to Submit Your Application
Please refer to the Chart below to see both required deadlines as well as submission requirements for Special Event Applications as well as Block Party requests held within the District of Oak Bay (for further information on Block Party Requirements please visit our detailed Block Party page here).
Please remember that only complete applications can begin the approval process. Event Season is a much anticipated, very exciting and an extremely busy time, as such please be sure to give yourself adequate time to both submit your application and to ensure that you can meet all of the listed requirements. Requests for all Special Events, both for new and repeat annual applications, need to be submitted in advance of the required approval date as defined below, this allows for the Special Event to undergo the thorough approval process and to ensure that no other event, or activity will interfere with the festivities ahead.
Please submit only complete Special Event Applications , accompanied with all required supporting documentation (as outlined on the chart below), including the unapproved Traffic Control Safety Plan directly to the Bookings Clerk for processing.
Submissions can be made electronically by Email: to bookings@oakbay.ca,
In Person: to the Bookings Clerk at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre, located at 1975 Bee Street,
Or By Mail: to the District of Oak Bay
ATTN: Bookings Clerk
1975 Bee Street
Victoria BC, V8R 5E6
Should you have any questions pertaining to submission requirements, deadlines or the Special Event and Block Party Process please call 250-598-3311 or email bookings@oakbay.ca
Overview of Application Process
The following information corresponds to the Special Event Application form and is intended as a guideline to assist you in having your event application considered.
The Special Event Permit generally applies to events that are entirely or mostly located outside of a park or designated municipal green space which requires special approval. However, should your event take place in an area of a park, it is your responsibility to contact the Parks Department in order to coordinate the scheduling of your event. These will require a Parks Permit to proceed. The Parks Department can be reached by telephone at 250-592-7275 or in person at 1771 Elgin Road.
However, if your event extends past the confines of designated park land, there are additional circumstances that you should be aware of. Events that take place in both park land and on Municipal property (i.e. solitary use of parking lot, reserved parking stalls, reserved roadway, or other municipal land) will require both a Special Event Permit and a Parks Permit in order to proceed. In these special cases please submit the Special Event Application, with supporting documents directly to the Administration Secretary, who will then proceed with the immediate notification of the Parks Department for review and approval of said request in collaboration with the Special Event permit.
The Application process begins with you submitting to the District of Oak Bay a completed Special Event Application form. Please keep in mind that acceptance of your application should in no way be construed as final approval or confirmation of your request. The person signing the application form is responsible for insuring that all conditions in the agreement are met.
A proposed event, including returning applications should not be advertised before obtaining approval from the District, keeping in mind the review process timeline, the complexity of the application, and any required input from other municipal departments.
Block Party | 6 weeks – Prior to required approval date | Sketch/map of requested closure to be submitted at time of application |
Public Space, Non-roadway |
8 weeks - Prior to required approval date | Sketch/map of event site and proposed resident notification (if applicable, i.e. parking lot closures) to be submitted at time of application |
Road Event, Non-closure |
12 weeks – Prior to required approval date | Sketch/map of event site/route, proposed resident notification, proposed signage, and Traffic Control Safety Plan (if applicable) to be submitted with application |
Major Event, Road closure |
12 weeks – Prior to required approval date | Sketch/map of event site/route, proposed resident notification, proposed signage, and Traffic Control Safety Plan to be submitted with application |
Once the application has been received copies are distributed and reviewed by all affected municipal departments. Once received back from these departments, and all application requirements are met, the applicant will be informed of any cost estimates that will be associated with the event. The necessary public property occupancy agreement will be prepared for signature and must be returned with the required indemnity insurance in order for the event to proceed, if applicable for event type.
If, as part of your application, you are required to contact other municipal departments you will be notified as soon as possible.
The application must include:
- overview description of the event, including whether the event is or is not-for-profit; and
- organizer contact information, also known as the Special Event Liaison; and
- contact information of on-site designated contact; and
- event details such as location, date, time, schedules; and
- clearly presented site plan, sketch and/or route map; and
- proof of liability insurance of $3,000,000 (to be provided upon receipt of approval of your event, and to be submitted with your signed Public Occupancy Agreement); and
- anticipated number of participants, volunteers, staff and spectators; and
- notification plan for residents/businesses, if applicable for event type; and
- Draft of notification for residents/businesses for District approval, if applicable for event type; and
- a traffic control safety plan for approval, including marshalling information for street occupancy (if applicable), including any and all requests for changes or amendments to past year submissions for annual events; and
- anticipated requirements of municipal resources/services i.e. police, fire, public works (if applicable); and
- draft of signage for display for road closures for District approval, if applicable; and
- Some events require Council approval, and you will be notified should the event proceed to a Council meeting;
General Conditions
- The organizer shall not use the site or route for any other purpose than that stated in the agreement with the District of Oak Bay.
- The organizer is responsible for insuring the permitted area is appropriate for the activity.
- The organizer shall be responsible for returning the site, route and/or any municipal equipment to its original clean, litter-free (removing all litter from site) condition following the event.
- The organizer shall be liable for any damage done to the site or route or municipal equipment during the event.
- The organizer may be billed for any subsequent cost incurred by the Municipality.
- Nothing can be fastened to, hung from or placed in trees, planters or other municipal property without specific permission, including posters advertising the event.
- Organizers should consider traffic impact, an alternative transportation plan, parking, disabled access, adequate personnel on site, noise levels, sale or handouts of food, beverages and merchandise, access to water or power.
- As applicable, additional conditions may be required to be met.
- The sale of goods and refreshments, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- The collection of an admission fee, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- The operation of a concession, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- The operation of a public address system, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- The operation of amplified music, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- The dispensing, sale/purchase, or consumption of alcohol, require advanced permission strict limitations apply.
- The installation of electricity, require advanced permission.
- The use of fire or fireworks, require advanced permission strict limitations apply.
- The erection of: Structures, Fences, Poles, Tents, Stages, Bleachers, Portable toilets, require advance permission.
- Signage, banners or advertisements, require advance permission limitations apply.
- Vehicles being driven onto grassed areas, restricted access, or service roads at any time, require advanced permission limitations apply.
- Waste management, require advanced permission.
- Air Inflatable Play Devices, require advanced permission safety, event type and space contingent.
*Special regulations may apply for the above. Please provide details on the application form.
Public Property Occupancy Agreement
Some types of events will require the event organizer to enter into an agreement with the District of Oak Bay laying out terms and conditions of approval. This agreement, if necessary, will be provided once approval in principle has been given.
Designated On-Site Contact
Organizers must designate a named on-site public contact person with authority to ensure compliance with agreement and to make decisions on behalf of the organizer for the duration of the event including the clean up and set up time. Contact information for the on-site contact person must be provided in the application and they must be available via cell phone at all times during the event. It is required that the agreement with the District of Oak Bay be on-site, available and presented upon request.
The District of Oak Bay retains the right to cancel the event up to and including the day of the event, or at any time during the event in an emergency or if the applicant does not adhere to this or any other related permit conditions, or if the Chief Constable or his designate apprehends that the Event is creating an undue nuisance or a hazard to the safety of any person or the public at large. Permits will be revoked without payment of any compensation in the event of a breach of any laws, by-laws, or conditions set up herein or in force. Non-compliance may result in additional charges.