District of Oak Bay
News Release
September 18, 2020
District of Oak Bay Issues Request for Proposals for Marina Lease
The District of Oak Bay has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a leasehold operator of the District-owned marina facilities. The District’s current lease with the Oak Bay Marine Group expires at the end of 2022.
The District is seeking innovative submissions for a lease of the land and water areas currently occupied by Oak Bay Marina to provide a marina and associated uses and support the vision, objectives and policies detailed in Oak Bay’s Official Community Plan. The District desires proposals that would create a vital and vibrant place at the site for the current generation and leave a positive legacy for future generations while providing reasonable financial returns to the District of Oak Bay.
The proposals will be evaluated for the selection of (a) proponent(s) with whom the District would enter into negotiations for a lease for use and operation of the Oak Bay Marina premises for the next lease period (2023 to 2052).
A draft RFP was made available for public review and comment at a Committee of the Whole meeting on September 8, 2020. Following revisions in response to Committee feedback, Council approved the issued RFP at their meeting on September 14, 2020.
RFP responses are due on November 30, 2020.
Proponent responses will be evaluated on their technical, community amenity and financial merits.
The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback on proposed community amenities prior to Council scoring that portion of proponent submissions.
It is anticipated that a proponent with whom to begin the lease negotiation process will be selected by late spring 2021.
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For media inquiries, please call:
Kevin Murdoch, Mayor
District of Oak Bay