Oak Bay Council announces search for new CAO

District of Oak Bay
News Release
March 16, 2022
Oak Bay Council announces search for new CAO
Oak Bay Mayor Kevin Murdoch announced today that the District of Oak Bay will be embarking to recruit a new Chief Administrative Officer.
Ms. Lou Varela, who has served the District as CAO for nearly four years, will be departing to take a new role mid-island to be closer to family. Council will be looking to initiate the recruitment process immediately.
Mayor Kevin Murdoch stated, “Ms. Varela has had an extremely positive impact on our organization during her tenure. We are grateful for her positive leadership during the last four years. These have been years of significant transition and restructuring, two of those during pandemic. While Council and staff are sad to see her leave, we know our exceptional senior leadership team are positioned to continue providing great service throughout the transition period.”
“It has been an honour to serve the community, Mayor and Council, and staff as the District’s CAO. While I’m excited about my next chapter, Oak Bay will always remain near and dear to my heart. There is important work being done here, with shared purpose, in both the governance and operational realms. The commitment to provide service excellence by both our Elected Officials and our dedicated staff has been nothing short of inspirational to me as a leader,” said Ms. Varela.
Mayor and Council thank Ms. Varela for her authentic leadership over the past four years. Prior to her departure in April, Ms. Varela will assist with the recruitment process for a new CAO. Council is committed to begin the recruitment process as soon as possible to facilitate a smooth leadership transition and to ensure that the important work of Council and staff continues without interruption.
The District of Oak Bay wishes Ms. Varela all the very best in her new role.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Kevin Murdoch
(250) 896-4983