Uplands Combined Sewer Separation

The Uplands Sewer Separation project is one of Oak Bay’s major infrastructure commitments under the regional Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan (CALWMP). Once both phases are complete, the project will eliminate sanitary sewer overflows to the nearshore marine environment, thereby significantly improving health and environmental protection.
This project will also bring the municipality in compliance with provincial and federal wastewater and environmental protection legislation. Notably, the Province of BC has directed that construction of the Humber catchment area must be complete by 2025.
Phase One - Humber Catchment
Physical works that will be undertaken as part of the first phase (Humber catchment construction) include:
- construction of a new gravity stormwater system (approximately 3.5 km), including mains, manholes, catch basins and leads;
- installation of new service connections to each house (approximately 120);
- installation of new streetlights, and
- construction of two new ocean outfalls.
Current Work - January/February 2025
- Installation of the storm drain on Humber Road, including rock removal.
- Installation of the storm drain lateral connections on Norfolk Road.
- Installation of the water main on Exeter Road.
- Installation of storm main on Midland Road between Costain’s Green Park and Midland round-about.
- Water main connection tie-in at Ripon Road and Beach Drive.
Follow the Uplands Sewer Separation Project
Click here to access agendas, minutes and webcastings (where available) for the meetings listed below.