B.C. Restart Plan – Updates from May 25, 2021.
Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture continues to follow the Provincial Health Orders and public health guidelines applicable to our operations. Currently, in Step 1 of the Restart Plan we are working to bring back some low intensity fitness classes, adult social and educational courses and adult outdoor sports activities. We are working to bring these classes back in an appropriately safe manner and will be advertising these programs as they become available. These courses will be re-introduced in accordance with the guidelines of the current Provincial Health Orders which still include mandatory masks for indoor exercise, physical distancing and enhanced cleaning protocols. In some cases, we are awaiting specific guidelines to be published for specific sports and activities. We appreciate your patience as we work towards the re-introduction of many elements of our operations. We are pleased and excited to be heading back towards full operation again, however, we are not there yet and we will be following the progressive approach presented by the Province’s Restart Plan, working towards a full resumption of operations in September.
For further information regarding the current Public Health Orders and Restrictions as well as B.C.’s Restart Plan please consult the following links: