District of Oak Bay Seeks Public Feedback on Community Amenity Proposals for Marina Lease 

9 February 2021

District of Oak Bay
News Release

February 9, 2021

District of Oak Bay Seeks Public Feedback on Community Amenity Proposals for Marina Lease 

The District of Oak Bay is seeking public feedback on community amenity proposals relating to the use and operation of the Oak Bay Marina premises for the next lease period (2023 to 2052).  

The District of Oak Bay’s lease with the Province for the foreshore/aquatic crown lands occupied by Oak Bay Marina and Oak Bay Marina’s lease with the District of Oak Bay both expire in December 2022.  

In 2020, the District requested proposals for a new 30-year lease of the upland and foreshore/aquatic crown lands associated with the municipally-owned marina facilities located at 1327 Beach Drive. Proposals were due by November 30, 2020.  

Proposals are being evaluated using a three-stage process with sequential reviews of technical, community amenity, and financial proposals. Only those proposals scoring a minimum of 70% will be advanced to the next review stage.  

Reviews of technical proposals have now been completed. Two proposals obtained scores sufficient to advance to a review of community amenity proposals.  

The public is invited to provide feedback on the proposals, which have been anonymized to support unbiased review. There are two opportunities for public feedback:  an online questionnaire at www.connect.oakbay.ca that will run from February 9, 2021 to March 2, 2021 and a Special Committee of the Whole meeting on March 1, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.  

Members of the public who would like to provide input at the March 1, 2021 Special Committee of the Whole meeting can do so in the following ways:
1.    Provide written comments via mail, drop off at Municipal Hall or email to obcouncil@oakbay.ca before noon on the day of the meeting to have your input shared with Council through the Agenda.
2.    Pre-register to speak to Council by Zoom at the meeting by emailing administration@oakbay.ca before noon on the day of the meeting and providing your name and the number you will be calling from to receive instructions on how to dial in and participate in the meeting.     
3.    Phone in during the live meeting.

For more information relating to this meeting, please visit: oakbay.civicweb.net/portal.

“While the site has been enjoyed in its current form for sixty years, we are eager to consider the best use for current and future generations on this special location,” said Mayor Kevin Murdoch. “We encourage residents to take a moment to review the proposals and share their feedback.”

Public feedback will be reported to Council. Council will then score community amenity proposals.  Proposals scoring a minimum of 70% will be advanced for financial review and final scoring.  Technical, community amenity and financial scores will be equally weighted.  
It is anticipated that a proponent with whom to begin the lease negotiation process will be selected by late spring 2021.   

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For media inquiries, please contact:
Kevin Murdoch, Mayor
District of Oak Bay

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