This year, for the eight time, Oak Bay Parks will be closing the Central Meadow in Uplands Park to foot traffic from mid-November to mid-April. This is a time when the meadow is at its wettest, its soils most vulnerable to damage and its native plants most susceptible to trampling.
When the meadow is reopened in the spring, flowers will be reaching their peak, foot paths will have started to dry out and park users will no longer have to step into actively growing meadows to avoid the flooding in the trails. As last years’ experience has shown, meadow closure results in a significant reduction in damage to soil and native plants, allowing more meadow flowers to reach maturity and set seed.
The Central Meadow is recognizable by its iconic Garry Oak and rocky outcrop, has the greatest diversity of flowering plants and is home to 17 endangered species.
Fortunately, one of the biggest threats to the meadows and their rare plants—invasive species—is on the decline thanks to the considerable resources invested by the District, the federal government’s Habitat Stewardship Program and the many thousands of volunteers who have given generously of their time.
For more information or to get involved with clearing out invasive species, please visit our Parks webpage at: