Oak Bay Recreation Centre Pool Re-opening August 17, 2020

Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture is pleased to announce the re-opening of the pool on August 17, 2020. Although not all aquatic activities will be offered in the same manner as they were prior to the Pandemic, the following pre-registered programs and activities will be available upon re-opening:
Registered lane swimming (Registration begins Tuesday, August 11)
Single lane bookings for swimming or water running/walking (Registration begins Thursday, August 13)
Aquafit and Waterworks classes (Registration on now)
Family “Bubble,” Swim Lessons and Fun Swims (Registration on now)
Please visit oakbay.ca/parks-recreation/programs-registration/aquatics for the schedule and more detailed information on the available options.
Service Changes due to COVID-19
Thank you for your patience as we reshape our services to provide a safe environment for your return to some of your favorite aquatic activities. Things will look and feel different. Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture have followed the recommendations and guidelines from the Province, Island Health, and other authorities to develop the following protocols:
Access to programs and facilities must be pre-registered in order to ensure we are able to control the number of people in the pool and to identify all participants in aquatics programs. There will be no “drop-ins” available at this time.
Patrons must register for each activity and/or each facility area individually, patrons will not be allowed to move freely between different areas of the facility without pre-registration.
Patrons will be screened for health concerns or symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entering any facility or program. If you have any symptoms, have been exposed to someone with symptoms or have travelled in the last 14 days, please stay home.
Physical distancing measures will be implemented which include reducing the number of people able to register for a program or be in a space at any one time.
Patrons will be asked to arrive at the pool ready to swim and to limit the amount of accessories they bring into the pool area. Lockers will not be available for use.
Changerooms and showers will be available however, occupancy will be limited as will the amount of time one can spend in the changeroom areas to allow for adequate cleaning and sanitization between pool programs.
Program content has been redeveloped to minimize contact between patrons and to reduce the use of shared equipment and supplies. Programs have been offered to focus on family and/or “bubble” cohorts to maximize comfort and safety for patrons.
Time has been allocated in the overall schedule of programs and activities to facilitate enhanced cleaning and sanitization of equipment, changerooms and high touch surfaces.
Staff will be trained to monitor and support physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, sanitization, cleaning and all safety protocols.
Movement in and out of facilities and spaces will be coordinated between programs and will also be delineated by signage to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.
Hand sanitization stations will be provided in common areas.