Parks & Recreation

Friends of Uplands Park

Friends of Uplands Park (FOUP) is a volunteer group working in partnership with the District of Oak Bay to provide opportunities for stewardship, education and inspiration related to Uplands Park.

Uplands Park Master Plan

Volunteer Opportunities

You can become a steward of Uplands Park by volunteering with Friends of Uplands Park to restore the park’s endangered Garry Oak Ecosystem by helping them to remove invasive plants and to plant native species. In 2016, they led more than 90 events in the park, including invasive removal parties, school programs and public outreach educational events on the park’s unique ecosystem and rare species.

Celebrating the Park

Friends of Uplands Park holds public events to celebrate and find inspiration in the beauty of the woods and flower meadows of Uplands Park and in the spectacular view of the sea, islands and mountains from rocky Cattle Point.

Join the Uplands Park Community

Email to subscribe to FOUP’s email list and stay updated on upcoming events.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities