Park Category:
An undeveloped natural area (3.156 hectare) with imperiled plant communities and endangered species, the island is approximately .5 kilometres east of Oak Bay Marina, accessible by boat only, with unmaintained natural trails. The island offers panoramic views in a peaceful and remote location minutes from an urban centre, accessible by water craft.
- Scenic Views
- Trails Walkway
Dog Information:
The District of Oak Bay contains shoreline areas that are subject to Federal Regulations detailed below. Enforcement of these regulations remain the responsiblity of Environment Canada.
For more information on the Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations, or enforcement requests, please contact Environment Canada by email at ec.enviroinfo.ec@canada.ca or toll free at 1-800-668-6767.
Section 5 of the Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations states that dogs and cats are not permitted to run at large at any time and must be under the continuous and effective control of their owners at all times.