ShakeOut BC
Drop, Cover and Hold On!
2023 October 19 at 10:19 a.m.
Oak Bay is proud to participate in the annual Great British Columbia Shakeout, also known as ShakeOut BC, which happens every year on the third Thursday of October, around 10 am.
This annual province-wide earthquake drill is an opportunity to practice how to protect yourselves during an earthquake, practice your evacuation plan and check your emergency kits.
- DROP to the floor (before the earthquake knocks you down). This position helps protect you from falling debris and allows you to still move if necessary.
- COVER your neck and torso. If possible, use a table or sturdy piece of furniture to protect yourself from being hit by falling objects. If there is no such shelter nearby, get down near an interior wall. If you are in a wheel chair, lock the wheels and protect the back of your head and neck.
- HOLD ON to the object you are under. Be prepared to move with the object until the shaking has finished. When you think the shaking has stopped, stay in place for another 60 seconds to allow the things around you to settle and allow for any immediate aftershocks.
Drop, Cover and Hold On is the most appropriate action to reduce injury and death and to help protect you from falling debris during an earthquake.
Each year approximately 700,000 British Columbians register online to indicate that they will participate in the drill where ever they are on the third Monday of October. To register click on ShakeOutBC . On the website, you'll also find the answers to many frequently asked questions and a series of helpful fact sheets and ideas on how individuals, families, schools, and organizations can participate in an earthquake drill.
About ShakeOut BC
Greater Victoria has a 32% probability of a damaging earthquake in the next 50 years. It's not a matter of "if" an earthquake will happen, but when. "Drop! Cover! and Hold On" is the most appropriate action to reduce injury and death during an earthquake. Collectively citizens and organizations need to prepare before the next big earthquake and practice how to protect themselves when it happens. The purpose of the annual ShakeOut BC drill is to help people and organizations do both.
The ShakeOut BC initiative is led by the BC Earthquake Alliance Society. The Alliance is working with members from emergency management, local, provincial and federal government, science and non-profit organizations, and businesses to raise awareness of the risk of a major earthquake and promote earthquake preparedness across British Columbia.