
Frequently Asked Questions

From missed garbage collection in Oak Bay to winter weather, find frequently asked questions regarding collection in Oak Bay below. Find answers to common questions in the categories below.


What time should I have my totes out by?

All residential households that have garbage, kitchen waste/curbside organics and recyclables picked up by the Municipality must bring their totes and blue boxes curbside on collection day by 7:30 a.m.

All residents receiving curbside service must have specially designed wheeled totes that are sold by Oak Bay Public Works.

My collection was missed, who should I call?

Household garbage (grey tote): Please call the Public Works Yard at 250-598-4501.

Kitchen waste/curbside organics: call GFL Environmental at 250-474-5145.

Recycling collection: please call the Capital Regional District GFL Environmental at 236-470-0186.

What happens during winter weather?

In the event of hazardous road conditions due to snow and/or ice, the Municipality may authorize temporary cancellation of garbage, kitchen scraps and recyclable collection, for public safety reasons.

Learn more on our Winter Weathers and Roads page.

Can I put dog waste in a tote?

Yes, however it must be tightly wrapped in a biodegradable bag.

I have more than one container of garbage. What do I do?

Residential property owners may take one garbage tote to the curbside (140 litres in size). There are two options for residents who need additional garbage picked up:

  • 140 litre garbage container: One additional 140 litre regulation garbage container may be picked up with additional garbage tickets attached. A 140 litre container requires 5 tickets.
  • Two securely closed garbage bags: A maximum of two securely closed impermeable garbage bags (having dimensions not exceeding 100 cm x 75 cm), placed adjacent to the regulation garbage container. The first bag requires 2 tickets and the second bag requires 3 tickets.

Extra tickets may be purchased at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre front counter or at the Oak Bay Municipal Hall, at a cost of $0.75 each.

I moved from another Municipality, can I use store bought garbage cans?

All residential households that have garbage, kitchen waste/curbside organics and recyclables picked up by the Municipality must have specially designed wheeled totes that are sold by OakBay Public Works. Totes can be purchased from the Public Works Yard, 1771 Elgin Road, over the telephone at 250-598-4501 Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

What happens if my tote breaks?

Totes are replaced by the Municipality if they are less than 5 years old and significantly damaged. Totes that are older than 5 years old and need replacing can be purchased through Public Works at 250-598-4501.

Who can access the Depot?

The Depot is accessible only to residents and non-resident property owners of Oak Bay. Residents must obtain a Decal to be able to use the facility, all vehicles are checked when using the facility to ensure compliance with the District’s Bylaw.

What if my gardener wants to access the facilities?

Commercial gardeners and businesses are only permitted to access the facilities if you are in the vehicle with them and can produce a Property Tax Bill and another piece of identification to the attendant on site.

What if I need to borrow a vehicle to use the Depot?

Simply produce a Property Tax bill and another piece of identification to the attendant on site and you will be able to access the facilities.

Still have questions?

Our Municipal Yard staff would be glad to help, reach out to them during business hours by calling 250-598-4501

An aerial shot of the Oak Bay Public Works Yard, with commercial trucks and two vehicle docking bays for vehicle repair.