
Sorting Guidelines

Learn more about Oak Bay recycling and what to sort where!

Curbside recycling, coordinated by the Capital Regional District, is provided to Oak Bay residents every two weeks. Taking the time to properly sort your curbside recycling can help reduce solid waste in Oak Bay. Curious about what needs to be sorted in which container? Follow this guide!

When is my recycling picked up?

Wondering when your collection day is? Find out by visiting our Collection Schedules page to find the next date for your household.

Green Tote


Blue Tote

Mixed Waste and Paper





*Corrugated cardboard should be flattened and cut or folded to dimensions not greater than 18 x 36 inches. Bundles should be tied together with twine or string and placed beside your blue box.

Blue Box

Metal, Plastic and Paper Containers



Additional Recycling and Waste

Glass Containers: Must be clean and kept in a separate container from your other totes.

Grey tote (Household Garbage): All items which cannot be recycled or composted in other totes, except items that are banned from the CRD Hartland Landfill.

Additional materials can be recycling at the Oak Bay Drop Off Depot. Have materials not listed above and curious about where you can recycle them? Visit the CRD’s MyRecyclopedia page to learn more.