Oak Bay dog licences protect your pet by providing an identifiable tag and registration. If your pet is lost, the fastest way to be reunited is by this dog tag and licence.
Dogs over the age of four months must be licensed every year with the District of Oak Bay. Bylaw Notice Violations (tickets) will be issued if your dog is found unlicensed, with a minimum penalty of $50.

Dog Licensing Costs
The cost of Oak Bay dog licences depends whether your dog is spayed or neutered. If spayed or neutered, a reduced licence fee is charged until February 1. Dogs who move to Oak Bay after February 1 will pay the discounted licence rate.
Before February 1
- Spayed or neutered dogs: $39.00
- Non-spayed or non-neutered dogs : $55.00
After February 1
- Spayed or neutered dogs: $44.00
- Non-spayed or non-neutered dogs: $60.00
Proof of spaying or neutering is required to receive the discounted licence rate. Replacement tags are $5.00.
Exceptions to licence fees are granted to Certified Guide and Service Dogs and dogs spayed/neutered in the preceding 12 months.
Renew your Oak Bay Dog License
You will receive a licence renewal in the mail every December. Please inform the District of any changes to your contact info or if you no longer have a dog. Licences are valid from January 1 to December 31.
If Your Dog is New to Oak Bay
Complete a Dog Licence Application and provide proof of spaying or neutering. Submit your materials to dogs@oakbay.ca, drop off in-person at Municipal Hall or mail to 2167 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria B.C., V8R 1G2.
An account number and access code will be provided to you once the account is created.
Paying for Your Licence
Pay online with your account number and access code, located on the top of your renewal notice. Credit card payments are only accepted online. Once complete, your dog tag will be mailed to you.
Visit us during business hours at Oak Bay Municipal Hall (2167 Oak Bay Ave.) to pay by cash, cheque or Interac.
Drop Box
Include your renewal remittance stub and make your cheque payable to the District of Oak Bay. The 24-hour drop box is located at Oak Bay Municipal Hall (2167 Oak Bay Ave.) at the entrance facing Oak Bay Ave.
Include your renewal remittance stub along with a cheque, mailing to: 2167 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria B.C., V8R 1G2
Dog control regulations
Regulations are enforced by:
Victoria Animal Control Services Ltd.
564 David Street
Victoria BC, V8T 2C8
Phone: 250-414-0233