Filming in Oak Bay
Oak Bay is a picturesque suburban community located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. With a population of approximately 18,000, it forms part of the Greater Victoria urban area, and, along with 12 other municipal governments, comprises the Capital Regional District.
The municipality is bordered by the District of Saanich to the north and north-west, and the City of Victoria to the south-west. Many public parks line the shoreline of the Salish Sea, boasting some of the highest concentrations of endangered plant species in Canada. Garry Oak meadows and woodlands, maritime meadows, vernal pools, and wildlife sanctuaries can all be found in the district.
All film shoots, whether they are for commercial ventures or destination promotion, require a film permit. The district strives to ensure that filming in Oak Bay is a rewarding experience for both filmmakers and our local community, preserving the integrity of our stunning surroundings while showcasing them to the world.
Please note permit Processing requires a minimum of 2 weeks
Apply for a Permit

Business License
Valid Oak Bay Business license or Intermunicipal Business License
Minimum $1,500.00
Valid proof of liability insurance of at least $3M
Electrical Permit (

Valid Oak Bay Business license or Intermunicipal Business License
Minimum $1,500.00
Valid proof of liability insurance of at least $3M
Planning Your Dates & Locations
At any given time, there are many capital projects and events in Oak Bay that may affect dates and locations for filming. Please visit our Events Calendar ( and Projects page for information about events, major roadworks and capital upgrades that could impact road access.
Filming Hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Filming outside of regular hours is considered on a case-by-case basis. Filming on long weekends is not generally permitted.
Impact on Residents
Film productions are required to distribute a notification letter to each property in the vicinity of the permitted location specifying filming date, times activities and the use of special effects/generators/lighting. Film productions requesting extended stays, additional parking, noise exemptions, intermittent traffic control, lighting or special effects will be required to gain majority consent from impacted residents and businesses via door-to-door polling well in advance of filming.
Oak Bay Film Liaison: Steve Meikle, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Filming Resources
Vancouver Island South Film & Media Commission is a not-for-profit organization that markets and promotes the locations, skills and creativity inherent in Victoria and Vancouver Island to the global film industry. (