Volunteer with the Oak Bay Emergency Program (OBEP)
There is a role for everyone who wants to help build a disaster resilient community! OBEP volunteers train and prepare so that when an emergency or disaster affects our community, they are here to help Oak Bay and its residents respond and recover. These roles include:
- Emergency Support Services
- Auxiliary Communications Team
- Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness

Volunteer Opportunities
Emergency Support Services (ESS) Team
ESS Team members are trained to provide for the short-term and recovery needs of those evacuated from their homes.
Auxiliary Communications Team (COMMS)
Trained as Amateur Radio operators with various communication skillsets, these Emergency Program volunteers provide alternative emergency communications should normal systems fail in the Oak Bay area.
Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness (NEP)
These volunteers support a disaster resilient community by providing a series of workshops, info sessions, displays and activities to help community members understand their risks and how to prepare.
How can I volunteer?
Volunteering with the Emergency Program is an excellent way to learn about emergency preparedness and response and contribute to your community. It’s also a great way to prepare for a career in emergency services, or to gain volunteer hours. Come prepared to meet new people, learn valuable and transferable skills, and have fun.
Contact OBEP
Jolette Schenk
Emergency Program Manager
Oak Bay Emergency Program