

Sewer charges on your utility bill help recover a portion of Municipal costs to run the sewer system and a portion of the Capital Regional District’s (CRD) sewer debt cost and treatment plant operating cost. The CRD sewer debt costs are for debt incurred after Oak Bay sewer work (2006).

2025 Sewer Rates

  • Municipal Sewer user rate: $3.06 per unit of water used
  • CRD sewer user rate: $6.72 per unit
A blue sky, sunny day looking over McNeill Bay, a beach in the District of Oak Bay. The picture includes a rocky beach with the ocean stretching into the background.

These rates are applied to all water used by properties that are not residential, have mixed use, or have two water meters. In the last case, there are no sewer charges for the water that is used through the garden meter. For all other residential properties, the charges are calculated on 60% of the water consumed.