What’s Happening

Christmas in Oak Bay

The Oak Bay Christmas Festival kicks off the last Sunday in November with the Christmas Festival Light Up.

Family activities start at 2 PM with street games, craft stations, various entertainment and roasted chestnuts! Stop by the Santa Letter Station and send your Christmas wishes in our direct-to-the-North-Pole mailbox.

Onstage entertainment begins at 3 PM. Plus thousands of lights on buildings, trees and lampposts throughout the Village, Light Up celebrates the start of the festive season in Oak Bay Village. Santa Claus arrives on an Oak Bay Fire Truck at 5 PM to really get things started!

On the first Saturday of December the Island Equipment Owners Association Truck Parade & Food Drive, featuring over 80 brightly lit cement trucks, dump trucks and other heavy equipment comes through Oak Bay Village. Music, food collection from 5 PM at the Oak Bay Municipal Hall.