Community & Culture

Volunteering & Planned Giving

The Oak Bay Community Arts Volunteer Team was initiated by the Council in 2022 with the intent of engaging volunteers of all ages in public arts and culture programs in the municipality

The Community Arts Volunteer Team supports activities, initiatives and events that benefit and advance participation the arts in the Municipality of Oak Bay for a full season.


Arts Events Volunteers

Assist with Exhibitions, Performances, Workshops, Walks/Tours, Lectures and Special Events occurring throughout the year in Municipality of Oak Bay.

Arts Exhibition Jury Members

Curate exhibition selection and advise on acquisition of public art for the Municipality of Oak Bay.

For more information on the roles, qualifications, and to apply to volunteer, please email your interest to the Arts Programmer at

Mayors' Arts Legacy Fund

The Municipality of Oak Bay seeks to increase the livability and artistic richness of the community by making art accessible in public places and to create a legacy for future generations.

Donations to the Mayors’ Arts Legacy Fund will go towards public art installations throughout Oak Bay.

How to Donate

All donations receive a tax receipt and recognition at the space. To donate, complete the Mayors’ Arts Legacy Fund Donation Form and deliver it in person or by mail to:

Oak Bay Recreation Centre
1975 Bee Street,
Victoria, BC V8R 5E6
Attention: Mayors’ Arts Legacy Fund

Donations over $25 will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Although all donations will go into the general Mayors’ Arts Legacy Fund, priority projects will be identified annually.