Hours at Oak Bay Recreation Centre

Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture is experiencing similar staffing challenges to many other service industries such as hospitality and restaurant business. We are currently experiencing the greatest challenges in staffing our later night shifts of lifeguards, Weightroom attendants and maintenance staff. These staffing challenges have meant that we have had to close our drop in opportunities in the pool and Weightroom early on an irregular and inconsistent basis. In an effort to provide stable and consistent hours of operation to our participants, Oak Bay Council has approved a temporary reduction in building hours, to be reviewed seasonally as staffing levels are addressed. This change in building hours is not a budgetary reduction in services, it is meant to address the issues we are experiencing in meeting our required staffing levels at this time. This change in hours does not impact rental groups for the arena or the indoor sports field, it is a change in hours of operation for the pool and the Weightroom. Starting April 1, 2023 and running through June 30, our new hours of operation for the Weightroom and pool drop-ins will be:
6:00am–10:00pm 7 days/week
Find pool hours and activities by viewing the current pool schedule.
Please note that as we continue to work to address this staffing challenge, hours of operation can be subject to change, please call 250-595-7946 or visit or web page for facility hours or on Facebook or Instagram for updates.
If you have any questions regarding this change, please email Steve Meikle, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture.