Council Resolutions

In response to requests from members of Council for increased access and transparency around Council decisions, staff have developed a tracking system for Council resolutions made since the start of the current term of office in November 2018. This tracking tool is intended to indicate decisions made requiring action, corresponding actions undertaken or completed, and what action items remain outstanding. Following this approach to tracking allows Council and staff to identify progress made on specific matters, assist with decision-making around items that may require reprioritizing, and monitor items that remain outstanding.
The tracking list will record the status for each resolution such as “Complete”, “In Progress”, or “On Hold”. The resolutions tracked will be consistent with those made during each Council term. The list does not contain decisions that do not require further action such as the adoption of minutes and bylaws, or motions to receive items for information. It also identifies the department(s) responsible for undertaking the required actions to clarify and enhance accountability to each decision. Recommendations pertaining to land use applications made at Committee of the Whole are not captured within this tool as only the final decisions made at Council meetings are included.
The Council Resolution Tracking tool is regularly reviewed by staff to ensure that the content is current. Going forward, Council will be provided with an opportunity to review the information quarterly. In addition, this tool will help to inform corporate reporting including Strategic Planning, budget discussions, annual work plans, and the Annual Report.