Construction Notice - Cadboro Bay Bike Lanes (Foul Bay to Bowker Avenue)

New bicycle lanes will be constructed on Cadboro Bay Road between Foul Bay Road and Bowker Avenue in August, 2018.
Works Expected
- Asphalt surface rehabilitation (2-3 days)
- Removal of 29 on-street parking spaces (9 on north side, 20 on south side)
- Line marking for new bicycle lanes (2-3 days)
Traffic/Parking Impacts
- Several days prior to the start of construction, through until completion of the project, temporary “no parking” signs will be erected along Cadboro Bay Road.
For more information on the project, including the design drawings that provide detailed information about where the bike lines will be, and where on-street parking will be removed, please visit
Building bike lanes on Cadboro Bay Road from Foul Bay Road to Bowker Avenue is one of Oak Bay Council’s Strategic Priorities. Oak Bay’s Official Community Plan (OCP) captures the District’s intent to develop pedestrian and cycling networks that connect multi-modal transportation systems within Oak Bay and with our neighbouring communities. The Capital Regional District’s Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan (PCMP), published in March 2011, also described the vision for Cadboro Bay Road, designating the street as “a separated on-street” bike facility route.
The District won a grant of $78,160 via the BikeBC program, in order to help build bicycle lanes on Cadboro Bay Road. The BikeBC program, administered by the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, aims to support green transportation options and encourage healthy, active lifestyles.
Project Manager: Richard Ding, P.Eng.
Telephone: 250-598-3311.