Do you know a Young Exceptional Star?

April 10th Deadline for YES Awards
Oak Bay is fortunate to have many outstanding young people who, by their own actions, have established themselves as the foundation of our hope for the future. In order to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions that students have made in our community, we encourage you to nominate deserving youth for the Young Exceptional Star Award (Y.E.S). We are looking for young people who have dedicated themselves to utilizing their talents, who have committed themselves to helping others or who have overcome obstacles to accomplish their goals.
This is our 10th anniversary of the YES Awards, and we are planning to make it a little bit more special than it already is – so stay tuned for more details!!
- Oak Bay address or attending an Oak Bay School
- In Grades 6-10
- Excelled at one or more of the Areas of Achievement
- Academics
- Community Service/Citizenship
- The Arts and/or Athletics
- Overcoming obstacles
HOW TO NOMINATE: If you know a student/youth who meets these qualifications, please take the time to fill out the application and attach a one page document highlighting the reasons for your nomination.
Nominations can be submitted to Caroline Lawrence, Sports Coordinator:
- by email
- by hard copy at Oak Bay Recreation Centre, 1975 Bee Street, Victoria, BC. V8R 5E6
- by fax to 250-370-7127.
Don't delay! Nominations period closes by April 10.