Road Closure - Beach Drive at Estevan Avenue (CRD Construction)

Capital Regional District (CRD) construction crews have been replacing the sanitary sewer trunk main at the intersection of Beach Drive and Estevan Avenue since August 20, 2018. A technical issue has arisen that requires a road closure at Beach Drive and Estevan Avenue. The road closure and the remainder of the project is expected to take 2-3 weeks. Construction will take place between 7am and 7pm.
Construction noise and temporary traffic delays can be expected during regular working hours throughout this time. Traffic control personnel will be on site to assist traffic through the construction zone for local traffic only, and around the zone via the detour route for all other traffic.
The CRD's construction notice (with further details) can be found here. The notice will be delivered to local residents and has further information about impacts to road and sidewalk access, parking restrictions, restoration activities, and traffic management.
Residents seeking further information are encouraged to contact the CRD's Lani O'Dwyer, at 250.360.3143 or