Minutes & Agendas


Public Participation in Council Meetings


Council values public participation and input at its Council and Committee meetings. As we navigate this pandemic, and hold meetings electronically, members of the public may wish to participate in several ways: Via Zoom, Via telephone, or in person.

  • To participate via Zoom using a computer, smart device or telephone use the meeting ID and password which are published in meeting agendas
  • To attend in person to view the meeting which will be broadcast on the Televisions in Council Chambers or the Committee room, located at 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, please pre-register by emailing administration@oakbay.ca as seating is limited.

Here’s what you can expect if you decide to attend a meeting in person:

  • Upon arrival to Municipal Hall, you will be greeted by a Staff Host and asked to complete a COVID pre-screening questionnaire prior to entry;
  • Masks must be worn at all times when inside Municipal Hall;
  • In accordance with direction from the Province, the vaccination status of attendees will not be checked;
  • Physical distancing is in effect – all seats are assigned and distanced by 2 metres;

If you wish to attend the meeting in-person, it is strongly encouraged that you pre-register your attendance as capacity is limited. Please email administration@oakbay.ca to reserve a seat.

Those who prefer to continue to participate electronically are encouraged to do so using Zoom on your telephone, smartphone, tablet, or computer. Where public input is available, all attendees, whether in person or on Zoom will be invited to address Council. Information on how to join the Zoom meeting is published on meeting Agendas.

Members of the public can also provide written comments to Council via mail, drop off at Municipal Hall, or by email to meetings@oakbay.ca before noon on the day of the meeting to have your input shared with Council through the agenda.

If you have any questions regarding in-person or electronic participation in Council meetings, please contact Corporate Services at administration@oakbay.ca or by calling
(250) 598-3311.

All meetings are streamed live at https://oakbay.civicweb.net/Portal/Video.aspx




As the District shifts from one webcasting system to another, it is possible that some links to previous webcasts are broken. If you wish to view a past webcast and encounter this error, please email administration@oakbay.ca so that we can re-upload the webcast. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we roll-out this new system.

Past Meetings

Description Agenda Minutes Reports Webcast
Committee of the Whole
January 20, 2014
Minutes Report
Council Meeting
January 13, 2014
Minutes Report
OCP Project Advisory Committee
January 8, 2014
Parks & Recreation Commission
January 8, 2014
Minutes Report
Council Meeting
December 16, 2013
Minutes Report
OCP Project Advisory Committee
December 16, 2013
Committee of the Whole
December 9, 2013
Minutes Report
Special Council Meeting
December 9, 2013
OCP Project Advisory Committee
December 5, 2013
Parks & Recreation Commission
December 4, 2013
Minutes Report
Police Board Minutes
November 26, 2013
Police Board
November 26, 2013
Council Meeting
November 25, 2013
Minutes Report
OCP Project Advisory Committee
November 21, 2013
Committee of the Whole
November 18, 2013
Minutes Report
Council Meeting
November 12, 2013
Minutes Report
OCP Project Advisory Committee
November 7, 2013
Parks & Recreation Commission
November 6, 2013
Minutes Report
Police Board
October 29, 2013
Council Meeting
October 28, 2013
Minutes Report
