Keep leaf piles on boulevards - help prevent flooding

Municipal crews are ready to clear the leaves that give Oak Bay its name! The leaf clearing program begins in late October and will continue until all the leaves are collected around Christmas time.
This annual blitz is to help prevent catch basins and storm mains from becoming clogged during a moderate to heavy rainfall.
Municipal crews will only pick up leaves from the boulevard.
Please do not:
- place leaves on the street, in gutters, or on sidewalks - this can pose a hazard to road users and disrupt the storm system.
- place other garden refuse or tree prunings on the boulevard - only leaves are cleared through the vacuum.
- gather leaves in plastic bags - this can clog the vacuum.
Residents who place leaves on the street may be subject to a fine under Bylaw 4100, the Streets and Traffic Bylaw.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our streets safe and flood free!
David Brozuk, Superintendent of Public Works