Proposed Complete Streets Program - Revised Handbook Now Available

Public consultation is now underway on the proposed Complete Streets Program. This program is proposed to guide the District toward a street enhancement process that will allow residents of all ages and abilities to enjoy safe and convenient multi-modal transportation, while making an efficient use of available resources by prioritizing the areas of greatest need.
As part of the consultation process, an open house was held on November 5, 2015. The open house presentation materials are available here.
Following the open house, the draft Complete Streets Handbook (please note: this is an image rich document that may load slowly) has been revised addressing input from both staff and the public. In particular, the proposed eight step process for developing an annual priority list for complete streets projects (see Chapter 3) has been refined.The draft handbook includes strategies for designing safer streets that accommodate all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists and freight vehicles.
Members of the public are welcome to provide comments on the handbook, and on the project overall, to Richard Ding, Design Engineer by clicking here or by sending correspondence addressed to:
Richard Ding, Design Engineer - 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria BC, V8R 1G2
Please stay tuned for a survey coming forward in the new year!