Updated Development Application Form Now Available

In an ongoing effort to provide quality customer service and improve efficiencies, the District of Oak Bay has implemented a new Development Application form. This new form is the result of Council’s recent adoption of the Land Use Procedures and Fees Bylaw No. 4653, which sets out how a property owner may apply for an amendment relating to land use.
The Development Application form can be used for submission of all land use applications, including amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, Development Permits, Development Variance Permits, Board of Variance, Heritage, and Uplands Siting and Design. Please note that it is not intended for building permit applications or subdivision applications. The form is also intended to help applicants determine what information is required as part of their application, thereby improving processing time for review and consideration of the application.
A revised Agent Authorization form is also available to accompany submission of applications.
The updated Development Application form is supported by Council’s strategic Plan 2015 – 2018 and the Official Community Plan implementation strategy.