Outdoor Fires and Fireworks

Outdoor Fires

Outdoor fires, including backyard burning and beach fires, are not permitted in Oak Bay.

A fire fuelled solely by propane, natural gas or charcoal briquettes, may be permitted, subject to applicable local and provincial regulations.

Special Community event fires, which Council has determined to be for the benefit of the Municipality at large, may be permitted subject to local regulations.

Further Outdoor fire information is available from the Oak Bay Fire Department at 250-592-9121 or view the Suppression and Prevention of Fires Bylaw 3803

Fees for Service - Suppression and regulation of Fires


Fireworks Bylaw

Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw to regulate the Use of Firecrackers and Fireworks. 


  • No person may offer for sale, sell, give or trade firecrackers within the Municipality.
  • No person may offer possess firecrackers within the Municipality.
  • No person may discharge firecrackers within the Municipality.


  • No person may offer for sale, sell, give or trade fireworks within the Municipality.
  • No person may possess fireworks within the Municipality unless that person holds a fireworks permit issued under this Bylaw.
  • No person may discharge fireworks within the Municipality unless authorized by a fireworks permit issued under this Bylaw.

No fireworks permit shall be issued except in connection with a special community event which Council has determined to be for the benefit of the community at large.

This is a condensed version of the bylaw, presented for your convenience. The comprehensive Fireworks Bylaw 4375 is also available.

roman candle, rocket, flare