Garden Refuse Collection

The annual Garden Refuse Collection is scheduled for the week of March 14 – 18, 2016. The day of your pickup day is noted with a green diamond on your 2016 Curbside Collection Schedule.
All garden refuse to a maximum of 3 cubic metres per property in total must be placed on the boulevard by 8:00 a.m. on the day of your pickup.
Material must not exceed 5’ in length and 3” in diameter. No stumps, wood, rocks or soil will be collected.
Items should be placed on the boulevard. Material may be placed loose, not in plastic bags. In order to avoid safety hazards items should only be placed on the boulevard, not on roadways or sidewalks.
Please note that the earliest material may be placed on the boulevard is 10 days prior to pickup.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Terry Johnson
Operations Manager
Phone: 250-598-4501