Watermain Break at Redwood Avenue and Pelly Place

The District of Oak Bay experienced a water main break at Redwood Avenue at Pelly Place this afternoon, Monday July 10, 2017. The main break caused a significant flow of water that was addressed in an emergency response by the Public Works Department. The emergency response consisted of valve shutdown to stop the flow of water, and resulted in no property damage to any homes in the area. The water main break caused a drop in water pressure in north Oak Bay. Residents throughout North Oak Bay may have experienced low water pressure or potentially discoloured water.
Repairs to the water main are underway. Staff from Engineering Services and Public Works are investigating the extent of the damage to municipal underground infrastructure and are developing a repair plan. Six residents are without water service at this time.
Residents may notice a temporary discolouration of their water. This is normal after a water main break; the discolouration is caused by the sudden changes in flow and pressure in the water pipes, which disturbs the sediment in the pipes and causes the discolouration. Though the water is still safe, it is unappealing. Therefore, the District recommends that residents who observe discoloured water turn on a cold water tap and let the water run for 2-3 minutes. Residents should avoid using a hot water tap in order to prevent sediment being drawn into hot water tanks. After 2-3 minutes, assess the colour of the water with a light coloured cup or container. If the water is not clear, wait 45-60 minutes and try again. If it is still not clear at that point, please call Public Works at 250-598-4501 and let them know.