Leaf Pickup Schedule - New for 2017

The leaf pickup program is changing in 2017! Though the leaf pickup period will still begin in late October and will continue until mid December, the District has published a schedule that describes two specific periods for each neighbourhood when leaf pickup will occur. The 2017 Leaf Pickup Map & Schedule for the program shows colour-coded areas and the schedule that crews will follow to do leaf pickup in the District.
- Pickup will occur in each colour-coded area twice.
- Please have your leaves on the boulevard prior to your pick up date. Leaves will not be picked up after the designated dates.
- The leaf collection program is for leaves only. No branches, grass or other garden waste will be collected.
- Please place leaves on the boulevard - leaves placed on the roadway can block street storm drains and cause stormwater issues or damage. Residents who place leaves on the roadway are subject to fines.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Oak Bay Public Works at 250-598-4501. Happy leaf season!!!