Oak Bay Chief Administrative Officer

JANUARY 29, 2019
Oak Bay Chief Administrative Officer
Oak Bay Mayor Kevin Murdoch announced today that the District of Oak Bay Council has hired Interim Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Ms. Lou Varela, as the District’s permanent Chief Administrative Officer and has cancelled the current recruitment process.
The District hired Ms. Varela as Interim CAO in June 2018. Ms. Varela was originally able to work with the District until the end of February 2019; however, new circumstances have opened the door for a long-term agreement. With this contract, Ms. Varela will begin her permanent position effective April 8, 2019.
“Ms. Varela has already had a tremendous impact on Municipal Hall with her strong positive leadership and continuous efforts to improve our services, financials, and operations,” said the Mayor. “I know Council and Staff will be thrilled she is joining us on a permanent basis and I am excited for the opportunity for Council to work with Ms. Varela, District Staff and Council as a team over the coming years.”
“I have greatly enjoyed working with Council, Staff and Oak Bay residents over the past seven months. There are wonderful people who do amazing work as Oak Bay Staff members, Council members and volunteers. I am humbled and honoured to join and lead the organization on a permanent basis, given what I see as exciting opportunities ahead for this community,” said Ms. Varela.
Oak Bay Council, Ms. Varela, and Staff are currently undertaking strategic planning and budgeting processes to guide priorities over the coming term.
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For media enquiries, please call:
Kevin Murdoch, Mayor
District of Oak Bay