Draft 2019-2023 Financial Plan and Upcoming Financial Plan (Estimates) Meetings

The 2019-2023 Financial Plan is now available on our website. Please visit our Strategic Planning and Budgeting Process page for information on the process to date. This page also includes a resource section to help you access relevant information in one convenient place.
There are several upcoming meetings where the information contained in this plan will be discussed and considered. There will also be opportunities for public input at these meetings.
Upcoming Financial Plan (Estimates) Meetings:
- Wednesday, April 3, 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers
- Wednesday, April 10, 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers
- Wednesday, April 17. 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers
If you are unable to join us at the above noted meetings, or would prefer to submit written comments for consideration, please use the following:
- Email: obcouncil@oakbay.ca; or
Mail, or in-person to 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8R 1G2
Please note that comments provided to Council will form part of the public record and be published in the meeting agenda online.
Thank you to those that contributed to the discussion of the Draft 2019-2023 Financial Plan. Council considered your input and the Financial Plan was adopted by bylaw on May 13, 2019, Financial Plan Bylaw 2019, No. 4727.